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EU to charge Britain more money due to success of economy....

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
Actually a better comparison is like someone being asked by Social Security to repay overpaid benefits. Would you consider it fair to demand a £1000 from a family on the dole because of a cock-up in calculations going back 20 years and repay within a month? I mean, they'll receive benefits in the future so what's the problem?

Bloody ingrates.

Whilst I agree with your argument - it does depend if the family received the benefits fraudulently. In Greeces case they have a massive black market economy, so big sales of cash registers and till receipts went through the roof when they realised they now had to submit receipts.

Whats a Greek Urn ? depends what he decides to put on his tax return !

And we are not much better, If Cameron agreed to the formula and then decided to include prositution and other dark activities on the return how can we complain if the calculation now is too high?

If it wasn't for Ukip he wouldn't have said a thing as the figures make our economy look bigger , he's only going to add it to the deficit anyway - this is all for show


New member
Dec 20, 2013
The idea that we have had a successful economy under this government is bizarre.
The length of a recession is normally measured by the time it takes for GDP to
recover to the previous high.This government has managed the longest recession ever
recorded (yes longer than the Great Depression of the 30's ).
Indeed if we use the more accurate relative economic measurement of GDP per population
the recession still is not over we still to match the pre GLOBAL financial crisis levels!
The fact that the Eurozone is now performing even worse than us is entirely due to
the fact that they have embraced austerity far more rigorously than us if osbourne deserves
some credit it is that he at least pragmatically abandoned his plan to "balance" the government
accounts in one parliament .
YET still the conservatives and the Labour Party claim that they will end the private sector surplus
which the Bank of England provides by spending more money into the accounts of households and firms
that in removes in taxation.This would simply transfer the currently growing external deficit completely
onto the UK's private sector.
It is masochistic madness.Currently the rest of the EU are even more economically dumb on the macro scale.

As to this story .The government new the rules .They helped draw them up .They even lobbied for changes
to be post dated.They new the bill was coming .Mock anger to hold up Tory vote.
It is not only the EU that needs to be reformed to work in the best interests of its citizens


New member
Dec 20, 2013
we also have a massive black economy.
Amazon Google Vodaphone just three very rich multinationals
that do not pay their taxes.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Utter tosh, no doubt you thought the same when the decision was made whether to join the Euro, you are damaged goods, your view on Europe has no credence, but my God you wouldnt know it by how loud you lot shout.

If we had had a referendum even in this generation then of course you play by those rules agreed and pay the fee's due, at least you would of agreed to some sort of Europe template that might be similar to what was then voted for, but this isnt what any of us or our parents bought into.

In 1972 ( ? ) we voted for a common market a trading block with some common values, but since then NO-ONE has consulted the British people.

Europhiles will use the cheap view that by voting for any of the three main parties in my lifetime offered a voice, utter rubbish of course.

This is an example of another Euro socialist agenda that we are being told we have no choice but to adher to, you that perhaps hold a socialist view have no problem with the unaccountability of it all, after all it delivers what you want, so you scurry around disparaging others contrary views.

Its not fair, its not what my parents or I voted for and from here it all looks totally flawed, I want a vote, I dont want to be represented by gravy train MEP's anymore, too much time too much over generous expense accounts telling me why they should take mine and yours money.

Absolutely not.

A good post imo


New member
Oct 22, 2012
The idea that we have had a successful economy under this government is bizarre.
The length of a recession is normally measured by the time it takes for GDP to
recover to the previous high.This government has managed the longest recession ever
recorded (yes longer than the Great Depression of the 30's ).
Indeed if we use the more accurate relative economic measurement of GDP per population
the recession still is not over we still to match the pre GLOBAL financial crisis levels!
The fact that the Eurozone is now performing even worse than us is entirely due to
the fact that they have embraced austerity far more rigorously than us if osbourne deserves
some credit it is that he at least pragmatically abandoned his plan to "balance" the government
accounts in one parliament .
YET still the conservatives and the Labour Party claim that they will end the private sector surplus
which the Bank of England provides by spending more money into the accounts of households and firms
that in removes in taxation.This would simply transfer the currently growing external deficit completely
onto the UK's private sector.
It is masochistic madness.Currently the rest of the EU are even more economically dumb on the macro scale.

As to this story .The government new the rules .They helped draw them up .They even lobbied for changes
to be post dated.They new the bill was coming .Mock anger to hold up Tory vote.
It is not only the EU that needs to be reformed to work in the best interests of its citizens

The recession started in 2007 on Labour's watch. No big fan of the Tories but to come out of the recession in under 4 years after the awful mess and debt that Labour left us in, is not that bad.

sir albion

New member
Jan 6, 2007
Yes we contribute more than we receive in direct contributions. It would be a bit weird if we weren't a net contributor.
My point was that the huge trade base that the uk has on it's doorstep is worth paying the club fee for.
You serious?
Many countries depend on us buying in the EU as we're a buying nation..Leave the EU and negotiate much better trade deals as these countries need us much more than we need them.
We was absolutely fine before and if anything we'll be much better off financially as we'll get better deals and won't have to pay billions of £'s to the EU twits.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
The recession started in 2007 on Labour's watch. No big fan of the Tories but to come out of the recession in under 4 years after the awful mess and debt that Labour left us in, is not that bad.

It started in America with the collapse of Lehmann Bros. and then escalated as everyone realised they were holding trillions of dollars worth of bad loans.

The Tories had pledged to match labours spending in all areas so that's how good they were at spotting the impending collapse of the UK economy. Foolish comments about "labours mess"" are very worn now soulman.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
You know it doesn't work like that. Greece has been forced by the EU to borrow money it can't afford to repay due to buying French and German goods it didn't want. Greece is on its knees. Everyone knows it can't afford to pay this late demand for more money and sure as hell, Greece needs that money far more than Germany or France right now. . Your comparison doesn't factor in a million other different parameters.

By the way, the opposite of cruel is compassionate. I wouldn't call demanding that a bankrupt nation pay quarter of a billions within a month compassionate. I think schadenfreude is more apt.

You repeatedly bring this Greek issue up with me. And as I told you two weeks ago when you raised it yet again I have already discussed this twice before. The first time was in some detail. I do not feel the need to, or want to, go over old ground. My view hasn't changed. If it does I'll let you know.

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
Utter tosh, no doubt you thought the same when the decision was made whether to join the Euro, you are damaged goods, your view on Europe has no credence, but my God you wouldnt know it by how loud you lot shout.

If we had had a referendum even in this generation then of course you play by those rules agreed and pay the fee's due, at least you would of agreed to some sort of Europe template that might be similar to what was then voted for, but this isnt what any of us or our parents bought into.

In 1972 ( ? ) we voted for a common market a trading block with some common values, but since then NO-ONE has consulted the British people.

Europhiles will use the cheap view that by voting for any of the three main parties in my lifetime offered a voice, utter rubbish of course.

This is an example of another Euro socialist agenda that we are being told we have no choice but to adher to, you that perhaps hold a socialist view have no problem with the unaccountability of it all, after all it delivers what you want, so you scurry around disparaging others contrary views.

Its not fair, its not what my parents or I voted for and from here it all looks totally flawed, I want a vote, I dont want to be represented by gravy train MEP's anymore, too much time too much over generous expense accounts telling me why they should take mine and yours money.

Absolutely not.

Yeah but in the plus side you can live and work in mainland Europe by completing slightly less paperwork. What a touch.

The idea that we in Britain subsidise a strategy to contain Germany's horrific genocidal behaviour in the twentieth century, sickens me. No matter what the economic arguments, I despise the fact we are complicit in this.


Jul 7, 2003
The idea that we have had a successful economy under this government is bizarre.
The length of a recession is normally measured by the time it takes for GDP to
recover to the previous high.

Whats your source for this claim? A recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth minimum, the recession ends when a positive quarter appears.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Utter tosh, no doubt you thought the same when the decision was made whether to join the Euro, you are damaged goods, your view on Europe has no credence, but my God you wouldnt know it by how loud you lot shout.

If we had had a referendum even in this generation then of course you play by those rules agreed and pay the fee's due, at least you would of agreed to some sort of Europe template that might be similar to what was then voted for, but this isnt what any of us or our parents bought into.

In 1972 ( ? ) we voted for a common market a trading block with some common values, but since then NO-ONE has consulted the British people.

Europhiles will use the cheap view that by voting for any of the three main parties in my lifetime offered a voice, utter rubbish of course.

This is an example of another Euro socialist agenda that we are being told we have no choice but to adher to, you that perhaps hold a socialist view have no problem with the unaccountability of it all, after all it delivers what you want, so you scurry around disparaging others contrary views.

Its not fair, its not what my parents or I voted for and from here it all looks totally flawed, I want a vote, I dont want to be represented by gravy train MEP's anymore, too much time too much over generous expense accounts telling me why they should take mine and yours money.

Absolutely not.

very good post. as you say weve never been consented over this. this is not a democracy its a dictatorship. its almost verging on Marxism.
EU bureaucrats want a world government ... only dread to think what kind of sh*t they'll be chucking at us then.


New member
Dec 20, 2013
Whats your source for this claim? A recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth minimum, the recession ends when a positive quarter appears.

do you remember the talk of a double dip recession
that is when there are 2 consecutive quarters of downwards gdp before the economy
has returned to the previous high despite some growth since the first dip.
it is a description of the shape of that type of recession
but the recession is normally regarded to be as long as it takes to recover gdp levels
that were present before the 2 consecutive quarterly falls.
As i said i think the more accurate relative comparison would be GDP per population
and we have not returned to pre GLOBAL financial crisis levels by that comparison


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
You repeatedly bring this Greek issue up with me. And as I told you two weeks ago when you raised it yet again I have already discussed this twice before. The first time was in some detail. I do not feel the need to, or want to, go over old ground. My view hasn't changed. If it does I'll let you know.

No, you avoided the question twice. There's a difference.


Jul 7, 2003
do you remember the talk of a double dip recession
that is when there are 2 consecutive quarters of downwards gdp before the economy
has returned to the previous high despite some growth since the first dip.
it is a description of the shape of that type of recession
but the recession is normally regarded to be as long as it takes to recover gdp levels
that were present before the 2 consecutive quarterly falls.
As i said i think the more accurate relative comparison would be GDP per population
and we have not returned to pre GLOBAL financial crisis levels by that comparison

You didn't answer my question, what is your source that a recession runs from GDP peak to peak? This is nonsense.

1.a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
It started in America with the collapse of Lehmann Bros. and then escalated as everyone realised they were holding trillions of dollars worth of bad loans.

The Tories had pledged to match labours spending in all areas so that's how good they were at spotting the impending collapse of the UK economy. Foolish comments about "labours mess"" are very worn now soulman.

Are they very worn BH. The building trade always gets the recession first. I can assure you it started around Sept 2007, nearly 3 years before the Tories took over the mess and debt.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
With any luck (and I'm not holding out much hope on this) Cameron will find the spine from somewhere to maintain his stance of absolutely refusing to pay, and the EU will, permanently and irrevocably, chuck us out. Then UKIP can disband - job done - and I can go back to usually voting Labour (with the occasional protest vote when they're particularly carp).

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
Are they very worn BH. The building trade always gets the recession first. I can assure you it started around Sept 2007, nearly 3 years before the Tories took over the mess and debt.

That may be true Soulman but it is recognised that the global economic meltdown began in 2008 and Gordon Brown, poor PM as he was, was the first world leader who recognised the gravity of the situation and pulled Obama and all the others together in London to agree to save the banks. It's also very true that the Tories, then in opposition, not only backed labours spending plans, even promising MORE tax cuts and spending on health and education than Labour right up til the night before Lehmanns went tits up.

Labour did spend too much money and were not prepared for the crash...but the crash would have happened, and just as badly, if George and Dave had been holding the parcel when the music stopped.


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
This is Labour's fault again, if they hadn't caused a global recession which the Tories than turned in to a booming economy, this wouldn't have happened. Another mess for Gideon and Dave to sort out.

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