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Do we need a new party to reflect the working people of Britain?

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
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NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Absolutely we do NOT need a new left-wing party. All this will do is attract the nutters from the fringes of the existing left-wing splinter groups who will see an opportunity to peddle their revolutionary bollocks. Look at the circus of horrors that makes up UKIP high command for instance. Is that what you want in this new party you're suggesting?

What we need is a new way of thinking that isn't left nor right. Politicians of all parties have let us down because it's now a professional class within its own right. How many parliamentarians have had real jobs outside of politics? We desperately need to get people in power speak our language and who understand what the problems are.

It can be done. The Reykjavik mayor (basically the head honcho after the Icelandic Prime Minister) is a comedian who was sick of all politics and wanted a change. The same in Italy. I'm not suggesting Joe Pasquale for Prime Minister over here but a political party made up of non-politicians who can see beyond the left/right wing bollocks that we have at the moment. The people of Italy and Iceland are, like us, just asking for honesty and a comprehension of what the problems we face are.

I'm a disenfranchised Tory, an old-fashioned One Nation Tory who will not and cannot vote for the Tories again because I just don't trust nor believe them. I have Labour supporting friends who feel the same way about their party and although our politics are different we agree that we would love to see someone with real principles and a sense of fairness have a go at running things.

My own circumstances are that I will probably vote Caroline Lucas in the next General Election because I think she gets it and she does have principles. I don't agree with those at all (the Greens are essentially a socialist party and an anathema to me) but I'd rather see her represent me than another party apparatchik from Labour or the Tories. Admittedly it does help that she hasn't got pressure to tow a party line because she is in a gang of one but that gives her freedom to say it as she sees it. God forbid, that party ever take power though!

I'm so fed up to the back teeth of all these professional union officials, advisers, spin doctors, lawyers, sons and daughters of politicians leading us so weakly and so badly. We do need change but real change not just this tinkering that I believe a new Labour splinter party would bring.

Mostly this.

I'm a disenfranchised Labour voter. I find the far left's addiction to pettiness and banning things far too much yet the political class who've taken up the centre have utterly alienated me. The day that Education is run by an old Head & the Home Office by an ex senior copper can't come quickly enough.

I find Caroline Lucas interesting. I'm not convinced by either the Green agenda or far left economics but she's got bigger balls than Balls & Milliband combined. Next time out I'll probably abstain / spoil my ballot since Lucas isn't my MP.


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
Mostly this.

I'm a disenfranchised Labour voter. I find the far left's addiction to pettiness and banning things far too much yet the political class who've taken up the centre have utterly alienated me. The day that Education is run by an old Head & the Home Office by an ex senior copper can't come quickly enough.

I find Caroline Lucas interesting. I'm not convinced by either the Green agenda or far left economics but she's got bigger balls than Balls & Milliband combined. Next time out I'll probably abstain / spoil my ballot since Lucas isn't my MP.

My thoughts exactly and supposedly I'm opposite sides of the political spectrum to yourself and Gwylan.

It is so wrong. The leaders of all the parties just have no life experience outside of the world of politics. The Tories are an old boy's network from the most privileged part of British society, Labour's is a terribly out of his depth Milliband whose entire life appears to be as a result of who his university Don father knew and the Lib Dems is another terribly privileged nonentity who was advised by his boss, Tory Grandee Leon Brittan, to join the Lib Dems because it offered a quicker route to the top than the Tories.

The shadow education spokesman is ex head of the NUS and yet another former full-time political activist. I reckon you'd be hard-pushed to find more than a handful of scientists, small businessmen, nurses, estate agents, posties, shopkeepers or squaddies in any of the parties.

The ultimate piss-take was right here in Sussex a few years ago. I can't remember the exact details but seem to recall Tony Benn's grand-daughter who was then about 19 standing for the Labour Party during some election or other. They all must think we're morons.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
Women's pension age was raised because of a European court ruling, that's not what I was talking about. The age has been raised to 66, which is the age I'm scheduled to retire and then to 67. When pensions were first introduced, I believe that the pensionable age was above life expectancy - it's now about 12 to 15 years below

Don't care who raised it,the effect is the same.
By the way what age do you think pensionable age should be?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Don't care who raised it,the effect is the same.
By the way what age do you think pensionable age should be?

I wasn't talking about the effect, I was talking about political parties having the balls to tackle difficult ideas, being forced to do something doesn't strike me as boldness.

As to the age, my guess is 70 - with a brief for it to be examined every five years - but I think I'd need to see figures to get a better idea, it could be 71 or 72


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2011
Utter shit. The right think about British people first but only the loony left call it racist. The loony left Labour party ****ed this country up like they always do. Diane Abbott banging on about needing more immigrants and saying in 2010 that cant white people be sacked before black people. Rasist piece of fat butch bitch.

If a white person had said the same they'd be sacked on the spot. Working class? Labour are for the poor where the poor get more money than the hard working man. Party for the working, yeah ok.

I meant the exact opposite of what I typed tbh but understand why you misunderstood. :)


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
I wasn't talking about the effect, I was talking about political parties having the balls to tackle difficult ideas, being forced to do something doesn't strike me as boldness.

As to the age, my guess is 70 - with a brief for it to be examined every five years - but I think I'd need to see figures to get a better idea, it could be 71 or 72

Fair enough,but 70 would be harsh on those in physical work.
The Coalition have accelerated the rate of increase,haven't they.You can't do this kind of thing in one big hit for all the obvious reasons.
Phew,I was 65 in July!
Last edited:


New member
Jan 5, 2012
A Northern Outpost
Socialism is the future, but it cannot and will not happen under representative democracy.

I don't think there is a democratic solution anymore - All we can do is patiently wait until capitalism inevitably fails and there is a Marxist revolution !

And wait until the next Lenin and Stalin? No thanks.

Keep wishing though, the Marxist-Leninists in this country are pretty much the SWP, and they're an absolute farce. The Trots on the otherhand keep fighting with the Marxist-Leninists and have virtually no voice whatsoever. There's no revolutionary current in this country. Greece will not have a revolution because of the organisation of the marxist parties is all over the place. If they're not fighting fascists, they're fighting anarchists, if they're not fighting anarchists they're fighting one another.

Marxism is utopian, it's based on the premise that the working class don't want capitalism and when the working classes embrace capitalism, they claim it's false class consciousness as an excuse to try and justify their persistent idea that the working class will rise up. Truth is, the most right wing in the country; are the working class.

The Antikythera Mechanism

The oldest known computer
NSC Patron
Aug 7, 2003
I hate party politics. We're right and you're wrong! How can supposedly intelligent and educated people tow the party line instead of agreeing and doing what's right for the country. Are the Tories always right? NO! Are Labour always right? No! So what's wrong with agreeing to disagree and meet on common ground with the country's interest at heart? Won't happen, so what is the point of ANOTHER frigging political party?


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
The National Socialists Party in 1930's & 40's Germany seemed to have some support :whistle: Although they were as far from Socialists as it is possible to be.

Not true, surely. They were very much a socialist country with a command economy, nationailsed industries, politicisation of the education system, breaking of debt-interest 'slavery' - the only thing that prevented him nationalising the banks were, in his words, that he's already nationalised the people.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Socialism is the future, but it cannot and will not happen under representative democracy.

I don't think there is a democratic solution anymore - All we can do is patiently wait until capitalism inevitably fails and there is a Marxist revolution !

The 1900s called for you. They want their discredited ideas back.


Jul 7, 2003
So where will this brand new shiny leftwing party stand on the issue of the mass importation of cheap labour?

For starters?

My opinion is the left will be laughably incompetant at setting up a new party and the reason is thus.

For years people across the spectrum have moaned about valueless career politicians, all shine and no substance. when the right does something about it and set up ukip, or the tea party in the USA. What does the left do? Rather than recognise the obvious that this is a warts an all return to grass roots politics it, here and usa, proceeds to have one almighty toddler strop and proceeds to smear said groups as exstemists, hence some pillock in this thread mentioned the BNP.

If you cant recognise or acknowledge the plain obvious they you are truly stuffed. Your best hope would be a truther party lol.

Super Steve Earle

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
North of Brighton
Interesting article in the Guardian today suggesting that the time might be right for the formation of a UKIP style party for the left. Come on you NSC politicos! Fedup with the ineffectiveness of middle-ground labour politics? Would you join/support such a party? and ditto you Tory middle-ground ers, has UKIP's time come?

Why do you link the working people of Britain with the left? As far as I know, I'm one of the working people and have no affinity with the left. My union is Unite and I resent the automatic levy to the Labour party for which I have no opt out therefore it's a form of legalised theft.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
As I get older I get more dispirited with the political parties in this country. I will never support the Conservative Party because I find its underlying philosophy too self centred, as long as that self is a privileged one. I despair of the people who vote for these "toffs" in the sad belief that if they vote for them they are one of them, a deferential vote. I am a Labour Party leaning voter, but the Labour Party is now a papier mache version of the left I would like. I admit to voting LibDem last time, in the belief that my local LibDem actually meant that a vote for him was a vote to keep the Tories out - only to find I'd voted for the Tories a couple of days later. Needless to say, I hope these unprincipled barstewards get tanked at the next election, never to be heard of again.

I've read on here that the next election is Labours to lose, and I believe they will manage that comfortably. If that happens and the LibDems deservedly disappear back into single figures, it may well open the door for more of the lamentable Tories and bubblebrain Dave ( what a joy it must have been for the Russians, to be told by this dunderhead that Britain had saved Europe from fascism ! ).

So, does the left need a new political party ? Possibly, though it could try to bring the Labour Party back to what remains of its roots, and start representing the people who might support it if it would only realise that politics is not a self serving career designed to get rewards for opportunistic MP's, but a career of service for the people of this country.

Yes, I'll shut up.

Don't shut have hit the nail on the head.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Utter shit. The right think about British people first but only the loony left call it racist. The loony left Labour party ****ed this country up like they always do. Diane Abbott banging on about needing more immigrants and saying in 2010 that cant white people be sacked before black people. Rasist piece of fat butch bitch.

If a white person had said the same they'd be sacked on the spot. Working class? Labour are for the poor where the poor get more money than the hard working man. Party for the working, yeah ok.

I don't remember a left wing labour party being in power.


Aurea Mediocritas
Jan 14, 2005
Y'all had a perfectly good 'party to reflect the working people of Britain', until a bunch of people in a block of offices in Millbank thought otherwise.

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