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Coping with Depression


Apr 21, 2009
The Coast
My first thoughts are maybe NSC isn't really the place for this type of advice. You are as likely to get teh pull yourself together type comments as well as the supportive one's.
You are more likely to get a better understanding on a dedicated site like . I found this to be a good site and it helped to see that sometimes people really are suffering a lot more than yourself. it also helped to read about other people's experiences and how they relate to your own.
To me it sounds more like a grieving process rather than a depression but don't let it worsen. Seek the help you require.
Avoid, if at all possible, the medication though. I have now been on two types for over three years and it's very, very difficult to come off.

Good luck

THIS. Prozac etc is not the route to go.
You have to deal with the causes, not the effects.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
I tend to agree. I have resisted the anti depressant route but every case should be assessed seperately. There are some people alive on Prozac who may have killed themselves otherwise I am sure.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
Just out of interest, did that poster who complained about being tired all of the time ever come back with any firm diagnosis?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
I've been given advice in the past on beating depression.

1) Eat healthily and don't drink much/any alcohol
2) Exercise is good for the body and mind
3) Set yourself some goals. What do you really want to achieve and what do you want to be in life
4) Do talk to people, whether it be neutrals or close friends/family
5) Don't dwell on the past. Look forward.

I'm giving it a crack. Depression is transient and it shouldn't last forever.

Above everything don't drink. Not only will it mess up any meds you're on it'sll also harm your health. If you don't know alcohol actually causes depression as it has a chemical effect on the body that brings on depression, believe me 'drowning your sorrows' is not a good idea. However, it's long winded but you need to seek professional help. The problem with some, not all, doctors is that they are not too interested in depression and will just give you some Prozac or some such. Somethin=mes you get the impression that slashing your wrists is the only way to get noticed. Anyway, if you see a doctor and you're not satisfied then see a different doctor. At all costs though, seek professional help, get the ball rolling.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
You speak as though you're a qualified clinician. Frankly I would prefer the advice of a doctor to that of a football bulletin board. There are side effects to any drug although these days it's a far more precise science and doctors are now a lot more aware of the problems that can be caused. However not treating the condition causes more problems so ask a doctor not here.

Seagull over NZ

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
On the issue of the debts, I can only re-enforce going to CAB or even a free debt advice centre (they do exist as they get funding from the govenment). I used to vounteer at Bristol Debt Advice Centre and they did a great job. Often saw people in your circumstances and there are things that can be done to help you. They have really helped people and the biggest step you can take is to admit youhave debt problems you can't sort, and get the help you need.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2004
I sympathise with you ChampionsElect. I got really down about three years ago and found everyday life very difficult. The smallest problems sunk me further into depression.
I was able to get counselling which helped me a lot. I would strongly recommend that to you, if that's possible.
There are things you can do to help yourself, as previously mentioned - exercise (go running), eating healthily, not boozing too much, enjoy nice things in your life like the albion's success! Also try to recognise the warning signs before they get out of control, and act on them.

You are doing the right thing in seeking help. It took me ages to admit i had a problem, which i couldn't sort out myself.

I feel a lot happier now, although the risk of depression is always there.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
I know the not drinking alcohol is all good advice and all that, BUT, does anyone else find their capacity to drink loads more than usual and not suffer hangovers was a 'feature' of taking anti depressants?
The down side is that I have had three or four seperate cases where I have lost a few hours in such an evening.


New member
Aug 13, 2004

Shamanic medicinal plants is the way to go....ayahyasca, wachuma, san pedro.....with a good shaman / session holder.......this will sort out the CAUSE and not just hack at the symptom like western medicine does.

as humans we are meant to be up and down, it is how we get thro it....meditate and observe the feelings, where they come from........look deep within.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003

Tony Meolas Loan Spell

Slut Faced Whores
Jul 15, 2004
Vamanos Pest
Funny thing is excercise does help as Bof said earlier.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Oh, go on. You're already up. You might as well.

This is a serious subject not for smart comments. For one person supportive on NSC there is one person ready to take this piss. Thats the problem with airing things on an open Forum. I think the OP should maybe see a Councillor to work through his issues and Cognative Behavioural Therapy may be of some good. I would agree to try if possible to stay of the AD's but sometimes things are so severe with a person they are put on them for their own safety so I do not agree with people Carte Blanche telling someone they do not know not to take them as they need to consider their words and any subsequent actions.


New member
Oct 22, 2010
H Heath
There is some good advise on this thread and i hope you can find some solutions that may work for you. I personally live with an individual that suffers from depression and there is some good resources with in the NHS, that have been a god send in the darker periods. Also although i don;t want to advocate taking medication, it may be an option if you require 'help' to lift your mood to start working on your recovery.

Good luck and take care.

P.S I would also recommend exercise it seems to help my spouse.

Cheeky Monkey

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
Basically, it feels like I'm at an all time low in life and everything and everyone seems so far away...I don't think a day passed by without the thoughts and the upset going through my head.

Since the start of last year I've also got myself into a fair amount of debt and its nye on impossible for me to pay that back as I can't control money in any sort of way. I wish I could.

Things changed for me at the start of September after meeting a new girlfriend, The pain and the anguish inside is truly the worst I've ever felt. People say move on etc. but the fact is that I can't - my heart won't let me simply because of the feelings I have.

Also its fair to say that I don't really have many close friends and my best mate now lives a fair bit away - the times when you need them the most, they seem so far away. I know that I've wasted a fair bit of my life and ultimately I know that my parents are disappointed in me and feel let down.

Nothing seems to go right for me for a sustained period of time. I know I'm depressed and I've asked to be put back in touch with my psychologist. I just felt I had to get this out in the open and to not bottle it all up inside.

For those who have worked out who I normally post as, please don't reveal this at this moment in time.

Hi CE,

First off well done for looking for help - even if it's just us weirdos!

It sounds to me as though you might still be grieving. Have you sat down and properly talked through your feelings about the miscariage with someone you trust? Until you face it and actually deal with what you're feeling, you won't move on from it. This is most likely the same with your ex girlfriend. People can say 'move on' all they like, until you've confronted your feelings about her you'll struggle to.

You say you've wasted a fair bit of your life and you suspect your parents feel let down by you. Take some time for you. Wrap yourself up in cotton wool and look after yourself. I don't know what your relationship is like with your parents, perhaps you could try talking with them? If you could get them onside and explain your feelings they may be a massive support for you, especially with your good friend being quite far away.

I'm glad you've asked to be put back in touch with my psychologist, that's a good start. A professional is trained to guide you through this sadly very common condition. Even if you're already on anti-depressants, pills alone aren't solving your problems. This isn't some chemical imbalance that can be fixed with drugs, this is stemming directly from one or more traumatic experiences in your life and you need to be dealing with those experiences. Anti-depressants can take the edge off, to make it easier for you to work through it, but sadly they're not a magical cure.

There has already been some great advice about money on here, CAB could be the way forward. Don't underestimate the stress that this is causing. A rather simple trick - I have two bank accounts and every month I transfer between £25 and £50 to a seperate account. It makes me feel like I'm saving and adds up quickly. Gives the impression of a little nest egg. I'm not great with money either and this has certainly helped me.

The feelings won't last forever. Good luck.

sir albion

New member
Jan 6, 2007
Yeah you are building everything up and you need to release it,thats the advice from dr albion:lol:

To keep beating yourself up is not the way forward,but hey you need someone qualified to deal with this situation.

Good luck :drink:

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