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Calm before the storm?


New member
Jul 6, 2003
seems awefully quiet in here the past day or so...even today has been pretty dead even though the aftermath of the campaign is still going strong.
Everyone too paranoid to type? Can be bothered to comement on the team because of the Falmer debacle? Getting restless nights because all you can think about is Falmer?...well same here with that last one, dont explain the quietness though....its eerie :nono:

Lady Bracknell

Handbag at Dawn
Jul 5, 2003
The Metropolis
Probably there's a deal of "rest and recovery" going on ready for Saturday. Well I know I'm trying it! My brain has gone all mushy - although it is blue and white striped mush.:D

(I did have a very vague idea about getting some work done but I can't really concentrate on it!)
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Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
I have been praying for this situation. I know a lot of you don't believe in God or anything like that but I will tell you what I found.

You can laugh at me if you want but this is what I found. When I had finished praying I opened the Bible and it opened at this particular verse.

Ezra 6:22

For seven days they celebrated with joy the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because the Lord had filled them with joy by changing the attitude of the king of Assyria, so that he assisted them in the work on the house of God.

3 things in this one verse struck me - seven days, changing the atttitude of the king (the one in power) and assisting in building

I read this on Tuesday and have been contemplating whether or not to post it here.


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Yorkie said:
I have been praying for this situation. I know a lot of you don't believe in God or anything like that but I will tell you what I found.

You can laugh at me if you want but this is what I found. When I had finished praying I opened the Bible and it opened at this particular verse.

Ezra 6:22

For seven days they celebrated with joy the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because the Lord had filled them with joy by changing the attitude of the king of Assyria, so that he assisted them in the work on the house of God.

3 things in this one verse struck me - seven days, changing the atttitude of the king (the one in power) and assisting in building

I read this on Tuesday and have been contemplating whether or not to post it here.

Beliefs are what people live by so theres no harm in showing them to other people. Being totally non-religious myself I can see where you are coming from with this though, lets hope its a good sign.

I too have been praying...well, slacking...for this situation. Staggering in after 4 pints of Carlsberg, 14 shots of Jack Daniels and a chocolate milkshake on Tuesday night I found myself strange drawn to BOB's teaching, the holiest of all. THIS IS WHAT I FOUND:

Dobbs, 63:69, "None are so blind as those who have no eyes."

The Church of the SubGenius is the PAN-RELIGION of the FUTURE, and REBELS against the namby-pamby, goody two-shoes "NEW AGE" and "AQUARIAN" ideals of most occult weirdos. Such people are fools, they do not curse, they have no understanding of the need for spiritual violence in this modern space-age a-go-go society.

The SubGenius wants no part of the "New Age," it is already here and it obviously sucks. The SubGenius would rather RETRIEVE the manly Past, before 1971 or even 1953, or else dwell in the naughty, fun-loving REMOTE FUTURE, a strange time when anything made of plastic is a valuable antique that collectors will KILL for, when SEXHURT will be recognized and indulged in as sane human nature no matter whether any 'church' or 'government' allows it. But such things are TRIFLES! The SubGenius knows that JEHOVAH 1 is a VENGEFUL GOD OF WRATH! JEHOVAH 1 - a.k.a. YAHWEH - is a mad alien, full of eyes round about, He cometh with the clouds, radioactive, all-pervading, He has forged His covenant with the SubGenius in CHAINS of GENETIC PROGRAMMING and DEMANDS OBEISANCE to His caveman sense of humor. He has been denying us SLACK and what He is making us do dates back to Homo Connectus, First Whole Man; only by letting our bodies obey the Code of financial lust survival that is built into them can our brains be freed from his INEVITABLE FIST.

Everything we do, have done, or will ever do, normally on-the-job but also and especially on the causational level of micro-atomic occurences and billionth-of-a-nanosecond electron collisions, is dictated by the permutations of the great SKORE, the cosmic worknet of cause-and-effect, the mutamorphic ARCHIVE of the shapes and movements of every blood tick, sperm whale, vampire gnat, movie star and gorgosaurus, "all the molecules of oil on all the grains of sand of every moonlit beach of the world. " No, "YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE SKORE." But JEHOVAH 1 can...and like an ax this TOTAL FATE PROGRAM confronts our similarly-encoded SENSE OF SLACK and cleaves our heads straight down the middle into schizocephalic right and left sides whose sub-id battleground is responsible for our precariously balanced NENTAL IVES: clones of us in the spirit world whose duplicate lusts influence our behavior on this material plane. Yes - JEHOVAH 1 smote us in primeval days with BAD BRAKES by which we cannot stop our devil twin from overcoming our 'better nature' and by which, furthermore, we cannot even begin to tell the difference between the two! Brakes keep us from committing ANYTHING WE MIGHT IMAGINE IN OUR MOST DANGEROUS FLEETING FANTASIES, such as chopping off noisy children's heads and giving... well, all of us, even non-SubGeniuslike whimps of the second and third waters, are Jekyll/Hyde monsters of two conflicting Noggin Polarities in our personalities; the SHAFT OF SUPPRESSION rears its ugly Head in response to this utter psychosis which squirms for most of our lives only in the dim, unseen reaches of our behavior-pumps; we act completely normal most of the time, but who is to say at any given moment which side, the 'good' or the 'bad,' is currently in control of The Animal? Thank "God" we are usually never aware of the subconscious Armageddon which expresses itself, physically, in our paranoias, human Work Instincts and universanal compulsions, and, spiritually, in our unruly but subtle psychic powers - which result not so much from any 'inner aura' but rather from a somewhat mindless 'ghost' standing invisibly at our sides: it is the half of our intelligence which is currently not controlling The Animal, it is the NENTAL LIFE, and it erupts from its usual idiot blithering into weird, occult pheno-manifestations only when our turbulent mental background reaches such peaks of simultaneous crisis and repression as the stormy glandular rampages of adolescence!

The SubGenius releases this pent-up nenergy in throes of JEHOVAH-SPAWNED MORAL DEGENERACY and RITES OF HILARIATION ("Within reason," cautions the Left Brain), just as his dogma, laws and tenets condone. We REBEL against the alien JEHOVAH 1 and yet PLACATE Him at the same time that He might not smite us with nuclear war, a worldwide economic disaster or hostile UFOS.

If we pay attention to the HINTS and ARCHETYPES he dangles like answerable mysteries before our eyes we may yet find a path of TIME CONTROL to the BEFORELIFE, where we came from and go after we die, and hence to SLACK in our lifetimes. Don't get Heaven and Hell all mixed up like most people do. Serve Jehovah 1 as He meant for you to, go forth on CAPERS and SCAMS and FORNICATIONS; your conscience is an illusion, there is merely an INSTINCTIVE BEHAVIOR CODE, to repress it is to suffocate, but never forget for a second that it is the monster god who allows this, who demands it, for "SCIENCE DOES NOT REMOVE THE TERROR OF THE GODS!" FEAR HIM but follow the hints of the accidents in your life, follow the PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE and you will gob out from under the sacrifices He demands of all the PINK BOYS around you, your FOLLIES and FOIBLES will show you where Slack lies and you will be able to relax and not get a heart attack. JEHOVAH KILLS those who drudge their lives away without knowing who He is, but he REWARDS the ones who recognize His STARK FIST and carry out His SEEMINGLY IMMORAL PLANS while SLACKING OFF EVERY CHANCE THEY GET.
JEHOVAH'S SPECIAL MESSAGE for the SubGenius is that THIS GROSS PHYSICAL PLANE DOES NOT EXIST and that the compulsion for success in the eyes of others is mankind's most FOUL invention.

THE SUBGENIUS IS JEHOVAH'S PRIME TOOL, he has a covenant with this deitoid Who is well pleased when His subjects have the wisdom to obey Him. It is the Sacred Chore of the SubGenius to SMITE and ELIMINATE the unwitting, slavish non-partners of Jehovah 1: the Great Unwashed, the Hoi Polloi, Them, the Conspiracy, the Mediocretins, the strange normal ones, the Somnambulacs, Assouls, Cage Men, Pink Boys, Bootlips, PO'Buckers, Bear-Baiters, Emp Loyees, Box Dwellers, Sarnes, Anthropophobiacs, Infidels, Conformers, Timeservers, Mole People, ComMen, Proleterritorials, Automates, Philistines, Pharisees, Sagisees, Witchburners, Skurnbozi, Thankers, Wankers and Blankers, Heilers and Smilers, Idi-Atts, Credit Heads, Sloths and Moths, Cons and Johns, Barbies and Kens, Cliants, Losers, Weepers and Sleepers, Dirty Invariables, The Slackless Ones, Dibbies, Corpulators, Signifying Monkeys, short, the Remnants of Man: the Witless Principals who are the FALSE PROPHETS, who have been holding us back and forcing Time Addiction on themselves...and...others.
No matter their I.Q.s they are all about a brick shy of a full load; they think they are high-temperature sinus effluvia on a silver platter but they are in actuality sub-zero mucus encrustation on a paper plate.

JESUS said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matt. 7:15)

"Take heed lest any man decieve you: for many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and shall decieve many. . . for false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, the very elect." (Mark 8:5, 22)

A couple of things struck me about this verse but I can't remember what they were. Anyway, REPENT and SAVE YOURSELVES and we MIGHT get the planning inspector to CHANGE HIS MIND through the glory of SLACK!


berkshire seagull

New member
Jul 5, 2003
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