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[Albion] Bournemouth fans

AZ Gull

@SeagullsAcademy Threads: @bhafcacademy
Oct 14, 2003
Chandler, AZ
Slightly odd comment on MotD last night. The commentator referred to us as “South coast neighbours”

Eh? Last time I looked it was roughly 100 miles between Brighton and Bournemouth. Hardly “neighbours” 🤷‍♂️
When I lived in Burnley (and worked in Colne) work colleagues knew I was an Albion fan. In the canteen one day the Purchasing Manager asked me who Brighton were playing that weekend.


"Oh, a south coast derby". :facepalm:

Google suggests it's a 215 mile drive from Brighton to Plymouth, which is about three-quarters of the distance from Brighton to Burnley!


A different kind of pasty
Jul 5, 2003
West, West, West Sussex


The Grockle

Formally Croydon Seagull
Sep 26, 2008

el punal

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2012
The dull part of the south coast
That does make me chuckle. There are more Southampton fans living in Dorset than Bournemouth allegedly. Bournemouth fans want to hate Southampton but Saints fans don’t give a toss. The real grudge rivalry is Saints and Pompey. We have our own little kerfuffle with Palace not Plucky. Reading are going down the toilet and their beef is with Oxford United. So Bournemouth’s real rivals are Yeovil Town, which I suppose is understandable as both their grounds and fan bases are roughly the same size - Cherries and Glovers, lock up your daughters people!

Green Cross Code Man

Wunt be druv
Mar 30, 2006
I genuinely don't care either way about Bournemouth. There's certainly absolutely no rivalry there in my eyes at all.
Yep, they were annoying under Howe as he somehow sprinkled his magic dust and got penalties from outside the area and penalties front the cleanest tackles one could hope for, and they always spawned a win against us. But a rival? Nah, don't care one iota.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
4 teams mentioned there. We had a song we used to sing along the same lines. Not sure how Brighton wouldn't make it on to Bournemouth's top 4 disliked teams- Saints obviously, then Pompey, Reading are close and then I can't see any other contenders other than us. Seems fair to me, especially as they need 7 syllables to make it work.


NOT the Honey Badger
NSC Patron
May 8, 2007
Tin pot club
Tin pot stadium
Tin pot badge
Tin pot fans
Tin pot "rivalries"


Staring at the rude boys
May 23, 2009
I gauge how much i care about a club by how bothered I am by their results; so, in this order, I look to see how it's gone for Palace, Chelsea, Pompey, Saints, ManU, Liverpool, Everton, Reading & Millwall. After that, I couldn't give a shite.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2011
Aren't we just in there because our name scans?

I don't know what it is, but I feel quite warm towards Bournemouth this morning...

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
I gauge how much i care about a club by how bothered I am by their results; so, in this order, I look to see how it's gone for Palace, Chelsea, Pompey, Saints, ManU, Liverpool, Everton, Reading & Millwall. After that, I couldn't give a shite.
On that basis I don't give a shiny shite about anyone.

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