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[Misc] Bizarre/strange arrests that happened to you or your mates


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
I was with RBS and also lived in a staff hostel on Val Plaisant.

Can’t remember the name of it for the life of me but there was a place round the corner with a really popular local DJ. He played Hothouse Flowers to death.

Ah Thackerays - got chucked out of there for “overdancing” to MC Hammer.


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Could get chucked out for dancing on a Sunday as well :lolol::lolol:

Sounds like the nightclub at the Hotel de France which is around there I think - I can’t remember what it was called either. Used to have ‘Beach Night’ on a Thursday. I passed out in the bogs at the HdeF at one of our formal Island Christmas dos :lolol:

Edit - Maddison’s !
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Lower West Stander

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
Back in Sussex
Could get chucked out for dancing on a Sunday as well :lolol::lolol:

Sounds like the nightclub at the Hotel de France which is around there I think - I can’t remember what it was called either. Used to have ‘Beach Night’ on a Thursday. I passed out in the bogs at the HdeF at one of our formal Island Christmas dos :lolol:

Yeah they did! Beach Night….

This is making me feel very old and taking me back. There was a curry house a few doors up. Got thrown out of there as well for ordering a Phall and then throwing it all up accompanied by Grolsch.

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Lower West Stander

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
Back in Sussex
Could get chucked out for dancing on a Sunday as well :lolol::lolol:

Sounds like the nightclub at the Hotel de France which is around there I think - I can’t remember what it was called either. Used to have ‘Beach Night’ on a Thursday. I passed out in the bogs at the HdeF at one of our formal Island Christmas dos :lolol:

Edit - Maddison’s !

Yes. Maddison’s!!

He was called Peter Mac….

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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
Yeah they did! Beach Night….

This is making me feel very old and taking me back. There was a curry house a few doors up. Got thrown out of there as well for ordering a Phall and then throwing it all up accompanied by Grolsch.

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The New Raj was just along the road, run by Mr Malik. I did my Phal challenge there, not done it since, and never will. Of course, the good old fliptop :lolol:


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
Oops missed the arrest bit


Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
This is a funny story

Mr Pangs (Chinese restaurant) Newhaven circa 1976

Kicked off,OB storm in,but someone has lifted up the trapdoor to the cellar

One went down,then an almighty scrap insuses

To cut a long story short

One of the offenders was asked why he stabbed a policeman with a fork?

He replied 'I thought he was a sausage '

Friends let off a smoke bomb in Pangs in about 1981 (pinched from Fyffes Bananas also in Newhaven, used to smoke out tropical spiders).

No fire whatsover, but got done for arson.


NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2009
Not an arrest, but I got some kind of written warning thing for sticking my middle finger up at some MK Dons fans that were giving us the usual homophobic shit from the back of a bus at their place when I was like 15 :moo: They obviously had some quotas to meet or something. Coppers told me I was going to be banned for life from Stadium MK if they caught me doing it there again :banana:

portlock seagull

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2003
Back in 90’s, knew 2 diehard fans following their team in Spain who were in restaurant and were arrested by police who walked in simply because English hooligans elsewhere in city were causing problems ie guilty be association. Local Spaniards protested without success. Guys rather bemused at first thought would all fizzle out except they then charged and to their absolute astonishment found guilty in absence / can never go back to Spain in case of re arrest etc. Cost them a lot of money in legal expenses and years of stress.

Friend in HH arrested for being ‘drunk’ when really he’d been cheeky to a copper. Then charged and to his amazement they’d also said he assaulted a wpc so looked even worse. Nearly went to jail, suspended sentence. This was back in the late 80s.

Another good friend arrested as a young man for rape simply because he was Irish (in the 60s this was) and walking home in an area where an assault had taken place. Later Released without charge but you’d crap yourself all the same.

My own experience as a young man being pulled over at Singapore airport and searched for drugs by plain clothes police as I was leaving the airport with my mate was a moment I shan’t forget. Obviously never be so stupid to as to do that, but given it’s in big red letters that the death penalty applies for drug couriers on the landing card, and it wasn’t long after the drama Bangkok Hilton with Nicole Kidman, it was a worrying few minutes before let go.

This is why I think you’re a fool if you sail close to the wind with Police, because in several peoples experience, you never know what else you might be fitted up for. Just ask that poor lady who got stripped searched, insulted etc in the news this week. The Met is going to have to pay out a load in compensation and rightly so. Hopefully the officers sacked. No excuse. Just like those disgusting ones who took smartphone photos of murders and shared on WhatsApp. How on earth…


Not awoke
Feb 3, 2008
Left a work Xmas party at one of the hotels (was living in Jersey at the time) with a few others..........kind of on the way home, for some reason were smacking each other with umbrellas and obviously making a lot of noise (it must have been around 2am). As we were stopped by a couple of PCs some of the group ran off, but two of us were caught (when I say 'caught', it was more 'couldn't run away') and were obviously a bit gobby so got taken in, and my lasting memory of the event is being given a bollocking by the PC whilst being able to hear the roaring laughter of my mates, hidden around the corner. Got off with a warning :blush:

Throughout, I was still in the bright yellow parrot costume (complete with yellow tights and big green feet) I'd worn to the fancy dress party.

Bet it’s still hanging in your wardrobe


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2015
In my feckless youth I once got arrested/detained three times in one day without being charged.

A couple of mates and I went to the Farnham Folk Festival which was a relatively small scale one day event held in the Maltings Art Centre. When a few dodgy acts that we werent interested in came on one of my mates and I decided to have a break so we left the site of the festival and went for a walk round the town.

It wasn't long before I needed a piss so I stood up against a wall and started to relieve myself. No sooner had I started a police car pulled up and one of the officers shouted out "Oy, you can't piss there". Emboldened by the alcohol I had already consumed that day I retorted, "why not?", "Because it's a police station" came the reply.

Once I had finished they asked us to accompany them to the police station which wasn't too much of an inconvenience as we were already there. They took us to the front desk and asked for our details which we gave them. Trustingly they asked us to wait there at the desk while they went away to check out our details. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting the officer still hadn't returned and my mate and I were keen to get back to the festival for an act we wanted to see so we just left without first informing them.

Back at the festival we rejoined our other mate who had stayed there and we were getting back into the music when all of a sudden there was a big commotion. The police, complete with dogs had surrounded the Arts Centre and it transpired they had come looking for us. We were promptly arrested and taken back down the police station. I thought the dogs etc was a bit of an overreaction for pissing up against a wall, albeit a police station wall.

Once back at the station my mate and I were taken to seperate rooms and the police started asking me a load of questions about my mate, how long I'd known him etc. After about an hour or so they released us. My mate told me that unknown to him he had been wanted for questioning in relation to the murder of a taxi driver in Newcastle (my mate was a Geordie). After he was able to verify certain facts they let him go. We returned to the festival and stayed till the end.

When it was over we went to the train station to get the train home but found we had missed the last train. We decided to see if we could blag a night in the cells for somewhere to sleep so we went back to the police station and told them that because they had arrested us earlier they had caused us to miss our train, so could they put us up for the night. They weren't exactly enamoured to see us turn up again and the answer was no. We were told that they didnt care what we did as long as they didn't see us again.

My two mates and I wandered the streets looking for the best place to kip down. It was past midnight and we had about five or six hours to wait before the first train. We saw a small hotel and decided to try there despite not having much money on us. Fortunately there was no one on reception so we wandered upstairs and walked along the corridor trying various doors until we came across an empty room. The three of us all got into the double bed and settled down for the night.

We cant have been asleep for long when we were rudely awoken by a police flashlight being shone in our eyes. "Oh look its the three bears" one of the officers said. They told us to leave and we told them it was "a fair cop" so could we go back to the police station with them. The answer was still no.

We decided to wander back down to the train station and wait there. Once there we noticed that a skylight was slightly ajar on the signalmans office. I had always been quite good at climbing through tight spaces so my mates hoisted me up and I squeezed through the window and then unlocked the door from the inside and let my mates in. My Geordie murder suspect mate was still quite pissed so when he found a motorbike crash helmet in the office he thought it would be fun to relieve himself in it.

We obviously werent being as discreet as we thought and it wasnt long before we were surrounded by the police again who told us to come out. When they realised it was us again their hearts sank. They knew this time that they had no choice but to nick us and take us back to the police station, which was a result.

However before they put us in the cells for the night they wanted to question us, which they did seperately. They took me into an interview room and wanted to know one thing. They pointed to the crash helmet which they had brought with them. "Right, which one of you pissed in the helmet". I said I didnt know as I was asleep. When they asked the guilty party he told me he had answered he had no idea, it must have been some piss head. In the end they gave up on their interrogation and took us all to the cells and let us sleep for the night.

They let us out in the early morning so we could catch the first train home. They didn't even charge us despite all our various misdemeanours which hsd included pissing against a police station wall, absconding from custody, suspected murder, trespassing in a hotel bed, gaining illicit entry into a train station office and pissing in a railway employee's crash helmet.

They were very lenient the police officers of Farnham and very good natured about everything. They were a total credit to their uniform because any other police force would have totally over reacted I'm sure.
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Well-known member
May 2, 2016
Vancouver, British Columbia
My dad was the executive chef for Compass Group for 15/20 years. One of his jobs during that time was overseeing all the catering at the Millennium Dome for it's 1 year in operation

On 7th November 2000, he was walking past the De Beers diamond exhibition when he was unknowingly caught up in the Millennium Dome raid where a group of 6 men tried to make off with 350 million quid worth of diamonds. They had tried entering with a JCB as a battering ram, wearing full tactical gear throwing smoke bombs wearing gas masks. What they didn't know was that the police were on to them and a group of about 200 police officers swarmed in. My dad was tackled to the ground, handcuffed at gunpoint until they could rule him out, for all they know he could have been in on it.

He was asked if he would testify in court as a witness, to which he replied "absolutely not, if they have the balls the attempt this, who knows what they're capable of"

When i was a niave 18 year old i worked for Barclays and one morning on arrival to work i got called into the managers office to explain why my current account was overdraft. i couldnt explain it and they showed that multiple withdrawals had been taken from my atm card. Anyway i claimed i hadnt done with withdrawals and was asked to surrender the card for forensic examination!. i didnt even have the card and it was at home. I was escorted to the VP office who said "im giving you a chance to be honest blah blah blah"
i was escorted home to get my card and it was missing from my bedroom. At this point my manager again asked me to "confess" and i pleaded ignorance so i was then driven to the police station to report the crime..i was then interogated by 2 cops playing "good cop, bad cop" one accusing me of trying to defraud my employer and the other trying to get me to admit i was being coerced by someone.

i had to give them names and addresses of all friends and family etc Long story short, i eventually realised there was only one person who could have taken the card who had been with my when i withdrew cash and spent it in a local casino but i couldnt prove it. This so called friend was suddenly flush next time i saw him and he claimed he won that at the casino hmmm.

I was left with a "black mark" on my employment record and it was no coincidence that i was overlooked twice for promotion before they eventually let me work on the tills. Any time there was a till difference even for a few pounds i'd be expected to spend hours after closing trying to find it..Then one day i was called into the office again - by now a different branch - and was basically told to resign - i had had one till difference too many (despite some of them being in the banks' favour!). That black mark from a few years earlier was obviously still on my file.

5 years later i met and old friend who worked at my bank and she told me that my old supervisor was caught stealing after i left. They found over £2000 in £ coins at her home!. She basically used my till when i was at lunch and was regularly taking bags of £ coins from the till.

I it took 2 different dishonest people to lead to me getting the sack effectively..

30 years later i think with everything going on in the world today i may have finally forgiven them


Dangerous Idiot
Jun 21, 2012
Born In Shoreham
To many times, there is some nut job who unfortunately has the same name as me, if the plod pull me over or I get road blocked they call in my name I then get handcuffed then checked for a distinctive arm tattoo which I don’t have as it’s obviously not me, I then get un cuffed and let go normally without an apology. To be fair it hasn’t happened for a few years thank god.

Happy Exile

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 19, 2018
Reading a lot of these stories makes me feel lucky. Never arrested but regularly harassed by French police during France 98. Was travelling around on my own and they seemed quite intent on making it as unwelcoming as possible whenever I got anywhere that there was a match even if it wasn't England playing - bag tipped out onto the station platform in Lyon and being led away for a chat while all my stuff was still lying there kind of thing.

Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
One time I was working on contract in a quiet Hampshire town. One of my mates there was going through a bad patch in his marriage. After the office Xmas meal, with drink taken, he started feeling sorry for himself, got a bit lairy in the street and was promptly arrested and carted off to the local nick. This only increased his sense of outrage at the world and he started ranting and raving and demanding to see the duty solicitor. When told that the duty solicitor was on his way and would be there shortly he realised it was the bloke who was having an affair with his missus. Whereupon he started ranting and raving and demanding NOT to see the duty solicitor

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
NSC Patron
Jun 11, 2011
In Gibraltar after a particularly heavy run ashore, I was arrested for climbing a palm tree in the Governor’s garden.
As I was climbing down, a branch broke off in my hand, and I fell the last 10 foot.
I was charged with criminal damage to a palm tree, and fined £25.

I am an international criminal.

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