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[Misc] Bizarre/strange arrests that happened to you or your mates


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
Bizarre arrests that happened to a mate in 1977-78ish. Going to an BHA away game there were 3 or 4 cars in a convoy between Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath. Myself and my brother were in the back of a two-door mini (I think) and the driver and front-seat passenger were hanging out of the windows pretending to fire/shoot with their hands at our mates in the cars in front. Got pulled over by the OB and the two guys in the front were arrested for something like 'incorrect use of hand-signals/confusing other motorists as stated in the Highway Code'. The OB also noticed that the car had 2 exhausts which didn't match the insurance and the driver also got done for that.. The OB tried to implicate me and my brother in the hand-signals until we said the windows at the back didn't open. After a couple of hours at the nick all 4 of us were let go and we managed to get to the game just in time.
Another mate was in the Bosun when there was a set-to with rival fans just outside. When he went outside to investigate, it was almost all over bar the shouting with a few rivals with bruises. He pretended to film the scene with one hand over his eye and the other hand in a whirling motion just like an old film camera. You guessed it . . . he was arrested for breach of the peace.
Have you got any funny/bizarre tales of you or your mates being arrested


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
Left a work Xmas party at one of the hotels (was living in Jersey at the time) with a few others..........kind of on the way home, for some reason were smacking each other with umbrellas and obviously making a lot of noise (it must have been around 2am). As we were stopped by a couple of PCs some of the group ran off, but two of us were caught (when I say 'caught', it was more 'couldn't run away') and were obviously a bit gobby so got taken in, and my lasting memory of the event is being given a bollocking by the PC whilst being able to hear the roaring laughter of my mates, hidden around the corner. Got off with a warning :blush:

Throughout, I was still in the bright yellow parrot costume (complete with yellow tights and big green feet) I'd worn to the fancy dress party.


Plastic JCL
Sep 14, 2016
Not arrested but about 20 years ago was merrily driving along when suddenly out of nowhere loads of police cars boxed me in and a load of officers rushed to my car and dragged me out. For some reason they thought I was some top level drug dealer and ransacked my car. After the initial shock I was pretty pissed off and ended up stripping off to my boxer shorts in the street to prove I didn’t have any drugs on me. Eventually after about 20 minutes they let me go as I didn’t actually have kilos of drugs. Funny thing is they actually found a little nugget of hash in my car that someone must have dropped but they just chucked it away as they were looking for the big load.


May 13, 2019
I usually only get arrested for good reasons but once in Thailand, I got fined because I was riding a motorbike with no license. That was fair enough of course but the strange thing was that it was a 24h time limited 100 baht fine and the policeman explained to me that I had to pay within 24h or I couldnt pay it anymore. Still not quite sure wtf that was about but needless to say, I didnt pay.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Three quite bizarre cases of "mistaken identity", the second particular odd, the last quite nasty.

1) Knew someone who was living in the same house as somebody who (I think) bounced a cheque with London Underground for a yearly pass. For some reason LU processed the ticket.

This was quite a while ago obviously...

He ignored the letters and kept using the ticket. London Transport Police tried to catch him leaving the house in the morning, but didn't realised his city job meant he left in the early hours.

Eventually they saw the person I knew leaving the house (without ID) and arrested him instead. He was banged up for a while until they believed he wasn't his landlord.

2) Bloke I was at school with (later) had his wallet stolen and lost his cards. This was back in the day you had to ring the police before ringing the bank. Found another card at home later (falling out his wallet) and used that in a local off licence. Forgotten he had reported it stolen (and the card refused), the off licence were suspicious and rang the police. He was arrested nearby and banged up, until he was able to contact someone to prove he was the person who had lost the cards and not the person who had stolen them.

3) Also wallet related, a good mate of mine (born in Ghana) bought a new wallet in Covent Garden. He was randomly stopped by the MET, who searched him and didn't believe his story why he had two wallets. As in - he's just bought a new one.

He was locked up all day whilst they found a duty solicitor. The solicitor advised him very strongly to sue the MET, because they had absolutely no good reason to stop and search him and even less reason to arrest him.

He declined. He only been in the country a few weeks and just assumed that's how the Police work in the UK. Arrest people for a bit of a laugh and let them go, just like home.


NSC Patron
Jul 14, 2013
Funny thing is they actually found a little nugget of hash in my car that someone must have dropped but they just chucked it away as they were looking for the big load.


Someone must have dropped it…..??? :wink:


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
I am willing to bet this is the winner:-
I had a female friend who I agreed could use my laptop at my apartment on a daily basis to look for a job while I was out at work. After a few months I got a letter from the Corporate Body saying that I had 10 to 15 visitors each day at my apartment and I must be running a business, which is not allowed. I discovered she was working as a prostitute from my apartment so told her she couldn't continue using my apartment and must return my house keys. She offered to meet me in town to return the keys. When I went into town she entered my apartment and stole the laptop so I gave her 3 days to return the laptop or I would have her arrested for theft. She refused to return it so I had her arrested. The next morning the cops arrived at my apartment to arrest me for two counts of raping her, one the previous morning and the other two years previously. I was arrested on Friday and had to spend the weekend (3 days and nights) in a police cell with 7 other guys, while my accuser was in a women's cell down the corridor. On Sunday afternoon I was interviewed by a detective and asked what I had been doing at 9am on Thursday (when I was, apparently raping her). I had been playing golf that morning, teeing off at 8:30am with at least 8 witnesses, including the people I was playing with. On Monday morning I was in a police van with about 40 others going to court. Whilst in the holding cell at court, my lawyer went to see the prosecutor to insist that they dropped the case, only to find that the detective had already advised them to drop it and I was immediately free to go. I didn't bother pursuing the false rape accusation case (it would have taken years) and, after attending court 3 times and it being adjourned each time, I also dropped the theft case to avoid wasting yet more time.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
At university, someone got very pissed up and decided to run and "jump" over a car. Well run over the top of the car....

( it was a throw a kettle over a pub moment )

Unfortunately it was the Prime Ministers Official Car who was attending a nearby function.

He was obviously nicked, but not after having a few guns directed towards him.

Surprisingly (the next morning) they let him go without charge.

True story...


New member
Dec 10, 2017
This is a funny story

Mr Pangs (Chinese restaurant) Newhaven circa 1976

Kicked off,OB storm in,but someone has lifted up the trapdoor to the cellar

One went down,then an almighty scrap insuses

To cut a long story short

One of the offenders was asked why he stabbed a policeman with a fork?

He replied 'I thought he was a sausage '


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
Sounds to me like every single one of you was done bang to rights :shrug:

Maybe I should point out that I'm at the age where I feel sorry for the poor young kids on the streets that have to deal with you ***** :wink:

Sea Cider

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
This whole episode was a bit odd.

Couple of mates and I were on the way home from the pub one Friday night in the 90s, and stopped in a quiet housing estate to roll a joint on a convenient bench. A guy walks up and tells us he was supposed to meet a friend there to return a DVD to him but he's in a rush so could we hold on to it until this other guy turns up. In hindsight pretty weird but was in days before everyone had mobiles and being several pints the worse we accepted the situation and got on with what we were doing. Couple of minutes later a police van cruises up and a load of coppers get out. They ask what we are doing, and immediately open up this DVD case, inside is a set of scales! They also find our weed and cart us off to the station for the night. Next day after several interviews we are let go with a caution.


Offended Liver Sausage
NSC Patron
Oct 17, 2008
This whole episode was a bit odd.

Couple of mates and I were on the way home from the pub one Friday night in the 90s, and stopped in a quiet housing estate to roll a joint on a convenient bench. A guy walks up and tells us he was supposed to meet a friend there to return a DVD to him but he's in a rush so could we hold on to it until this other guy turns up. In hindsight pretty weird but was in days before everyone had mobiles and being several pints the worse we accepted the situation and got on with what we were doing. Couple of minutes later a police van cruises up and a load of coppers get out. They ask what we are doing, and immediately open up this DVD case, inside is a set of scales! They also find our weed and cart us off to the station for the night. Next day after several interviews we are let go with a caution.

What you could've done was been prepared for this eventuality and carried a slug or other small creature with you at all times. Then when the police found the scales, you could plausibly claim that your slug has an eating disorder and you weigh him regularly to make sure he is sticking to your diet regimen. No jury would convict.

Lower West Stander

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
Back in Sussex
Left a work Xmas party at one of the hotels (was living in Jersey at the time) with a few others..........kind of on the way home, for some reason were smacking each other with umbrellas and obviously making a lot of noise (it must have been around 2am). As we were stopped by a couple of PCs some of the group ran off, but two of us were caught (when I say 'caught', it was more 'couldn't run away') and were obviously a bit gobby so got taken in, and my lasting memory of the event is being given a bollocking by the PC whilst being able to hear the roaring laughter of my mates, hidden around the corner. Got off with a warning :blush:

Throughout, I was still in the bright yellow parrot costume (complete with yellow tights and big green feet) I'd worn to the fancy dress party.

Living in Jersey takes things to a whole new level with police.

Went out in the car to play cricket with my team somewhere in the west of the island. Drove back to St Helier and parked outside the house where I was living. Few mates came round and went out to the Inn on the Park (remember that?) and completely forgot about the car which was on a time limit restriction outside the house.

Got back only to find two policeman towing the car away - was worse for wear and gave them a mouthful. Was escorted to the police station at Rouge Bouillon which was just round the corner and ordered to go in front of the Centenier.

He banged a gavel fined me £100 and charged £250 for getting the car back.

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2019
Ormskirk, Lancashire
I got arrested for the theft of a telephone directory from a red phone box whilst walking home from a party in Woodingdean.. I was 17 and I'd "borrowed" the directory to look up the number of a girl I'd met at the party. My uncontrollable laughter at the incredulity of it all didn't help and they called my dad out at three in the morning to John Street to give me a bollocking. He said absolutely nothing to me and ripped into the copper for being so pathetic. I was so proud of my dad that night.

I still can't understand to this day why the copper felt it necessary to call a car (he was on a motorbike) to pick me up and take me John Street. What a dick.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
Living in Jersey takes things to a whole new level with police.

Went out in the car to play cricket with my team somewhere in the west of the island. Drove back to St Helier and parked outside the house where I was living. Few mates came round and went out to the Inn on the Park (remember that?) and completely forgot about the car which was on a time limit restriction outside the house.

Got back only to find two policeman towing the car away - was worse for wear and gave them a mouthful. Was escorted to the police station at Rouge Bouillon which was just round the corner and ordered to go in front of the Centenier.

He banged a gavel fined me £100 and charged £250 for getting the car back.

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Definitely remember the Inn on the Park (was there 88-91). Also had incidents at many other places you might recall in that case (Warehouse, Gradees, Hotel de France and on the hydrofoil coming back from St Malo where we had a deputation waiting for us on the harbour :lol: Not involving the police but after a cricket evening presentation at the Beaumont Hotel after we won the evening league we were all summoned into the Island Director’s office on Monday morning because he’d already had complaint letters from the hotel, the JCA, Brian Close and - worst of all - our bank advocates. We weren’t to know it was them on the next table we drunkenly started chucking potatoes at during dinner :shrug:). Life revolved around sport and getting bladdered on cheap beer - nothing else to do after work and at weekends :lol:

The Centeniers and Senators of course never broke the law. They often had a nice PC take their car home for them though :rolleyes:

Lower West Stander

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
Back in Sussex
Definitely remember the Inn on the Park (was there 88-91). Also had incidents at many other places you might recall in that case (Warehouse, Gradees, Hotel de France and on the hydrofoil coming back from St Malo where we had a deputation waiting for us on the harbour :lol: Not involving the police but after a cricket evening presentation at the Beaumont Hotel after we won the evening league we were all summoned into the Island Director’s office on Monday morning because he’d already had complaint letters from the hotel, the JCA, Brian Close and - worst of all - our bank advocates. We weren’t to know it was them on the next table we drunkenly started chucking potatoes at during dinner :shrug:). Life revolved around sport and getting bladdered on cheap beer - nothing else to do after work and at weekends :lol:

The Centeniers and Senators of course never broke the law. They often had a nice PC take their car home for them though :rolleyes:

I probably played against you! I was there then as well. I agree there was nothing to do there except get hammered. Some names there which take me back….

The Centeniers never liked us UK Immigrant workers. I got done for not having a Jersey driving licence as well….

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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
I probably played against you! I was there then as well. I agree there was nothing to do there except get hammered. Some names there which take me back….

The Centeniers never liked us UK Immigrant workers. I got done for not having a Jersey driving licence as well….

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Definitely different treatment for non-locals……:rolleyes:
I was with Lloyds Bank at the time - the winter I went over we happened to have an influx of several other regular cricketers so the team went from utter shite to winning every game :lolol:

Lived in a (mixed) staff hostel with about 15 others, had a brilliant time. Friday night in the Bond, the Lamb or No 10s then a curry or a burger at Central Park, Saturday afternoon in the Lily Langtree, Saturday night in Thackerays…….football on Sunday morning then a big boozy lunch before Sunday night at the Warehouse. Friday lunch at Lidos or La Bastille :lolol:

Lower West Stander

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
Back in Sussex
Definitely different treatment for non-locals……:rolleyes:
I was with Lloyds Bank at the time - the winter I went over we happened to have an influx of several other regular cricketers so the team went from utter shite to winning every game :lolol:

Lived in a (mixed) staff hostel with about 15 others, had a brilliant time. Friday night in the Bond, the Lamb or No 10s then a curry or a burger at Central Park, Saturday afternoon in the Lily Langtree, Saturday night in Thackerays…….football on Sunday morning then a big boozy lunch before Sunday night at the Warehouse. Friday lunch at Lidos or La Bastille :lolol:

I was with RBS and also lived in a staff hostel on Val Plaisant.

Can’t remember the name of it for the life of me but there was a place round the corner with a really popular local DJ. He played Hothouse Flowers to death.

Ah Thackerays - got chucked out of there for “overdancing” to MC Hammer.


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Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I was pulled over by a police car near Richmond in 88. I had a terrible cough (I get them). Couple of young coppers age around 21, the passenger steamed out of the car like a nascent Jack Regan.

"You just went through an amber light"
- "Did I?"

"Yes you did. Do you know what an amber light means?"
- "Yes - it means prepare to stop"

"No, it means Stop."
"The same as a red light."
"So you went through a red light"


"Why are you coughing?"
"Are you trying to hide the fact that you've been drinking?"

Needless to say, after about 30 minutes, breathalyser, third degree . . . . the look of absolute fear had finally left their eyes; as anyone who knows me will attest, I am a reasonable man, and they eventually realised I was not a dangerous member of the criminal undergrowth, and they let me go on my way. With a caution and a request I check in at Lambeth nick the following week.

I did check in and the woman PC on the front desk just rolled her eyes at me.



Famous Last Words
Jul 19, 2014
Not in Whitechapel
When I was 13/14 me and a group of mates decided to do create our own YouTube series which would was basically a very tame version of Jackass which we filmed in and around Shoreham. A lot of it was just stupid stuff like 4 of us on swings going as fast as we could whilst other people had to run through them until they got clattered by someone or jumping off the roof of the cafe in Buckingham Park. Mildly chavvy behaviour but with a creative flair backing it up.

Anyway, one day we had a brilliant idea for a video. It was early evening and we were playing football in the cage when we realised the cafe had left the giant ice cream cone advertisement out when they’d closed up. A brilliant video idea was thought up. We’d get someone to rugby tackle the cone.


So anyway one of our group does it. He runs in and full on crunches the Ice Cream Cone in a frankly excellent rugby tackle. We’ve got a hit, have a laugh and go back to playing football. Unfortunately a lady saw us do it and didn’t find it funny and with-in 10/15 minute we’ve got two coppers asking us about the mangled ice cream. Unfortunately for me the lady who had called the police had described my mate as a “big teenager in a white hoody.” and I was 6’ and wearing a white hoody. Despite my mate admitting it was him they arrested both of us and stuck us in the back of a police car.

I was so young and naive that I remember shitting myself because my mate had bacci on him and I had some rizzlas on me. Not only had we broken something but they would think we were underage smoking too which would obviously have added 5 years to our prison sentence.

Thankfully when we got to the police station my mate ‘fessed up and I wasn’t charged with anything. Not that me being innocent stopped my gran from disowning me for a while. I think my mate to pay £65 in damages and a small fine. Weirdly we did a lot worse stuff for those videos but that was the only one we got in any kind of trouble for.

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