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Jul 8, 2008
I agree I was sucked in, as I think most people were. But she is just rotton to the core.
Look at this video of live footage from last night. She and Charlie (another twat) steel a beer from Fredies bed. All after Charlie and his towel and about not touching his stuff. Wanker.

Day 71 Overnight Footage Beer Theft

anyway here is this video its quite long but about halfway through after Bea took the beer and she sits in the gerden with charlie she says somthing like "shall we hold on to it and wait for him to kick off" How nice and she claims fredie and other people bully her SHE MAKES ME SO MAD!


Jul 8, 2008
Oh, and another thing, did you know she was sacked from every job she has had, expelled from school AND had to move becasuse everyone hated her so much she had to get away!

I am suprised.

Not that I watch BB or anything...:D


New member
Aug 5, 2009
North Stand
Cant stand the fcuking woman and anyone who likes her needs to take a long hard think about the people they may like. :rant:
She always goes on about people picking on her when she picks on Freddie even though Freddie needs to be a man and tell her to fcuk off out of his face. Also on tuesday how positive she was and how negative Freddie was really i dont know where she gets it
she also thinks she is the smartest person on the planet and that she has Cheryl Cole's looks

A real spitful woman

Evil Edna

Roll the dice!
Jul 15, 2007
Where poet's live.
She always goes on about not being negative, then the first convo she has with someone is bitching about Freddy or whoever.

She's a complete friend hopping cow.

This is how it all kicks off Click Me
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Evil Edna

Roll the dice!
Jul 15, 2007
Where poet's live.
This is someones blog on her.

The Knife

Earlier I wrote how crap is TV and how dead is the format of Big Brother, the ten year Channel 4 filler for summer. I still think this, but what follows is by revision and confession.

Suddenly I am interested, because I have been watching a masterclass at work. If some months back you entered Bea Hamill into a search engine, you would have received many results about a recruitment person in the Bristol area. This is the person who is demonstrating a masterclass of character through her appearance on Big Brother. She would have been better on The Apprentice given its methodology of business.

When she entered the Big Brother House late on she made a moral case for ignoring a subterfuge task as she attached herself to whom she knew was a leading character, indeed one likely to win. He is Freddie George Fisher, of upper class origins and intelligent too, and a bit eccentric in his analysing and mediating. Having so attached herself, she started a round of criticising others while at the same time acting the innocent, cultivating sympathy elsewhere. She cleverly forced Freddie Fisher to stop being neutral, and he emotionally found himself having to analyse and mediate in her favour. She cleverly used small incidents (though, like any total institution, small incidents are big incidents, and any dispute is chewed over and over) to go on and on about something, whilst at the same time complaining others were going on and on about it.

What fascinated me was how in recent days she turned, and instead of me putting half an eye on the programme and even live bits, I started paying more attention. She turned on Freddie Fisher ruthlessly. For anyone who can identify a Machiavellian streak, she has it in spades. She clearly worked out how he identifies himself, as a warm, mediating, interesting individual, and when she stuck the knife in she went right for his core personality. She called him "paranoid", told him to "analyse yourself", and he said he does (taking steps backwards metaphorically). She said, "You're not so clever as you think you are." You could see the effect of just these few words, and his emotional investment was being destroyed. But he wasn't a fool, and told her before going off, "Watch your back." Later he tried to mediate at a time when she had made that emotional connection before, and she tore into him again and he withdrew into her command for silence.

[Corrections made] The next night she had moved her bed away from his, and thanks to friends Marcus Atkin and Siavish Sabbaghpour, he deprived her of what she needed: talk. Talk is her weapon. They said, in effect, keep away. Freddie Fisher meanwhile got continued emotional support from these happy rule breakers, both of whom had been 'wronged by women' in the House, Marcus Atkin most recently by Bea Hamill herself, and the lads at least add some humour into the tired format. What she was doing the next night was going on and on about Freddie Fisher to others, and how she was wronged. The other party were now giving her sympathy, saying she is the only person probably who can take him on given their intelligence levels. She didn't challenge that, because she listens and adds what she hears to her armoury. Yet it hadn't been long before when she was doing the same to them.

One can imagine Bea Hamill in business, climbing the greasy poll, sussing out the people around her, finding their basis of existence in their jobs and who they are, and finding the words by which to cut them down. She persists too and she will quickly and cleverly turn the whole thing around so that they are the guilty party and she was only speaking innocently.

It is a masterclass is the use of language. She goes on and on, but few words do the necessary job. However, there is a flaw in all this, and here is where I would hope she comes a cropper. In terms of the game show, once she is up for eviction on a vote to remove the nominated (I don't know as I write) she will be out. But what about more generally?

First of all, in any strategy like this, going round and round, gaining sympathy from a party you were wronging not long ago is a debased currency. It might work on the first circuit, but it won't work if you have to keep repeating it. Secondly, the way to treat such an individual is indeed to back off, to detect who they are and how they operate. By keeping a distance and keeping a sense of your own moral island with defences, whilst engaging carefully with others, you will better withstand the onslaught, and if you need to put in a knife it will be all the more effective.

I didn't see earlier weeks of Big Brother well enough to know the background she will have studied. As I understand it, and before the second batch of people came in, Freddie Fisher was continually put up for eviction because he was different from everyone else in speech (it's a class thing) and they didn't like his mediating/ analysing. He survived week after week, and then they left him alone, and probably liked him better. Once Bea Hamill turned on him, the suppressed animosities must have returned, plus he now plays with the naughty boys, but the suggestion must be that he is stronger than she is, and actually she might find that he is as intelligent as he thinks he is.

But for the duration, her choice of words, and her delivery, and her persistence, was and is the real stuff of drama. It just fascinated me, because I couldn't have done it but I supposed I secretly (not so secretly!) admire her ability.

Incidentally her video to get her on the programme had stuff in it about polyamoury, and then on appearance she was on about babies and the like as if into monogamy. It was all nonsense for someone who puts up fronts and weighs people up and can, obviously, cut up adults.

I just wonder who she recruits for jobs and how she interviews them. She clearly looks at CVs and applications and sees what matters, and acts on them. I think if she was at the other side of the desk I might be shivering a little, but also I'd be weighing her up, and I'd try to offer things on spoons and keep the knives in the cutlery drawer and just try to keep a sword's length away.
Posted by Pluralist (Adrian Worsfold)


Fran Hagarty

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Mid Sussex
.....what an utter UTTER cunt of a woman she is - and to think i thought she was too cool for school when she first arrived.

what an absolute f***ing horror she really is.

Isn't she just! The biggest bitch ever and she twists it around to make it seem like others are unpleasant. I don't much like Marcus but good for him telling her the truth about how she is.

Mar 13, 2008
I sort of agree, but that comment just by Freddy was unneeded.

The Wizard

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
Get the f***ing slut out now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :US::US:

When she cries there is never any tears, little f***ing shit.
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
The United Kingdom of Mile Oak
whaaaat? every single comment that is out of order is NEEDED against that f***ing whore now - she makes me wants to peel my face off....

totally agree.

It's the first time he's really reacted since early on in the week when she accused him of stirring and said that she didn't want sleep near him because she didn't want to catch anything from him.

I think the laughing was the least horrible thing he could have done...What he should have said is that she's manipulating the people in the house who are in a minority and that her abuse of David over previous weeks was as bad except that she was too scared to do it to his face because she knows lisa would have stood upto her.

The woman's a MESS and I hope that she gets hounded after she comes out of the house.

I also think that had Freddie have been black, asian, a woman or gay, then Bea would have been booted out for bullying.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
North Stand
I agree with the comment of if Freddie was of a minority she would have been done for bullying
also she tries to twist things around like from her bullying Freddie to them bullying her also she never produces real tears when she 'cries'!
if she was in last year BB she would have left by now beacuse people like Rex Dale and Darnell would have put her in her place and told her wot an complete b**** she is!!
i also loves Marcus comment about him and the 4 million viewers:lolol: completly agree!!
I fcuking hate the woman and hope she is put in her place when she comes out
the woman never gonna get a job now!!:thumbsup:


New member
Dec 9, 2006
Good Old Sussex By the Sea
I can't believe I liked the slagbag whore when she first entered the house.

I'm now finding that all the hate I'd stored up for Marcus is now directed towards her. Actually don't want Marcus evicted now cos we need him there to stand up to her.


Is butter a carb? :P
Aug 17, 2009
I liked her when she first went in, she seemed so mellow and carefree... then she became whiney, over-dramatic and such a hypocrite and now she wants to walk instead of being evicted this friday (she thinks everyone will nominate her and she will get booted out this week) because she can't hack being figured out by everyone else in the house... I actually prefer lisa over her, but not Charlie... as far as I'm concerned he can get booted out with her. (What a way to start my first post here....)

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