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Another UKIP rascist remark

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
The media ran both stories didnt they? Trying to make out there is media bias when both stories are there in the media is a bit weird.
This thread is about a UKIP woman being offensive.
If you think a labour front bench mp deserves a thread for protesting against Israel (not uncommon at the moment) feel free to start a thread about it.
To compare the two is ridiculous, and you know that.

This thread is about ignorance, a theme you are evidently quite familiar with, who are you to censor what people can say on this thread?

Comparison between the conduct of 2 elected representatives and how that has been portrayed in the media is entirely recant to this discussion.

Mahmood is ignorant, by protesting outside Sainsburys because they stock and sell largely British kosher produce means she equates the actions of Israel to British Jews. That logic is outrageous on a number of levels, and would be rightly condemned if the mob took the same approach to the conduct of Muslim States and British Muslims. This ignorant anti Semitic attitude has not been exposed in the media, far from it in some parts of the media she has been lauded.

The UKIP MEP is also ignorant, she used a disparaging off the cuff remark to refer to the ethnicity of a constituent. She has been condemned across the board and it was headline news on BBC south.

To state there is no bias in the media is weird in itself, as I understand it UKIP are an irrelevance, yet somehow they command the attention of the media like no other political party, and yet their conduct in the context of the expenses scandal, Rennard, Cyril Smith, Iraq war, economic ruin, cash for questions, political nepotism, comfort letters to terrorists et al they are lily white.

Then again I don't let the media lead me by the nose.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Quite theatrical...who is 'censoring' you? Nobody. If protesting anti Israel products offends you, feel free to start a thread about it.
What people say on the thread is usually relevant to the thread, rather than some left side bollocks, in order to deflect attention about the subject in hand.

If an elected MEP of ANY party uttered the drivel this woman came out with their would have been media attention. Youre talking bollocks.
Hear the same crap when UKIP REGULARLY ****s up, and make themselves look clowns...people jumping up and down getting hysterical with
claims of media hounding them... but when you have idiots like this one, and the 'homosexuals change the weather' halfwit.....expect some ****ing media attention
If youre in the position where the media will snipe at you....dont act like *****...
Like I said...its been an enjoyable read...again. Looking forward to the next one.
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"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
I would say it's relevant in relation to the context and balance the media apply to UKIP stories like this and other news.

This protest at Sainsburys for example was not on basis of Sainsburys selling Israeli goods but kosher goods, predominantly produced in the UK and consumed by British Jews. The removal of the goods in the face of the protest franks the deep ignorance demonstrated by the mob, that included a front bench MP whereby they equate the actions of a foreign state to a minority in the UK.

If we apply the same logic we should be protesting and shutting down Halal butchers in the UK because of the actions of Muslims associated with ISIS.

Frankly if the UKIP woman is ignorant so is Shabana Mahmood; yet one said something and que media outrage, the other joins in a misguided ignorant demonstration outside a retailer legally selling goods to a British minority and she is essentially lauded............and people wonder why there is apathy amongst voters.

Hold on... ???

That Daily Mail Article said:
Shabana Mahmood lay in the street outside a Sainsbury’s store in Birmingham alongside dozens of pro-Palestine campaigners, protesting against the fact that it was ‘stocking goods from illegal settlements’.


That Daily Mail Article said:
Sainsbury’s removed kosher foods from a central London store amid fears it would be ransacked by demonstrators.

So it seems Sainsbury unilaterally removed kosher goods from their shelves, but Mahmood was protesting against Israeli goods produced in the occupied territories. That's not the picture you just painted in a seemingly desperate attempt to deflect from the ignorance of this UKIP member.

If I've got that wrong, perhaps you could explain how?


New member
Oct 22, 2012
I would say it's relevant in relation to the context and balance the media apply to UKIP stories like this and other news.

This protest at Sainsburys for example was not on basis of Sainsburys selling Israeli goods but kosher goods, predominantly produced in the UK and consumed by British Jews. The removal of the goods in the face of the protest franks the deep ignorance demonstrated by the mob, that included a front bench MP whereby they equate the actions of a foreign state to a minority in the UK.

If we apply the same logic we should be protesting and shutting down Halal butchers in the UK because of the actions of Muslims associated with ISIS.

Frankly if the UKIP woman is ignorant so is Shabana Mahmood; yet one said something and que media outrage, the other joins in a misguided ignorant demonstration outside a retailer legally selling goods to a British minority and she is essentially lauded............and people wonder why there is apathy amongst voters.

Good point. Unfortunately this woman was not a member of UKIP, otherwise the wolves and offended would be out in force


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Oh bless.... petulance politics from the UKIP posse....

go on soulman...ill bite... how would a UKIP representative be treated if they were protesting against goods from the occupied territories?
Compared to say, a UKIP representative blaming the weather on homosexuality?
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Dec 11, 2009
No, you wouldn't. You seem to be a bit of a prick.

No I would , with no qualms whatsoever, you seem a little upset have I struck a nerve ? Your problem is that you apply your own milksop standards to everyone else , perhaps you should realise that not everyone is as much of a wimp as you.

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
Hold on... ???


So it seems Sainsbury unilaterally removed kosher goods from their shelves, but Mahmood was protesting against Israeli goods produced in the occupied territories. That's not the picture you just painted in a seemingly desperate attempt to deflect from the ignorance of this UKIP member.

If I've got that wrong, perhaps you could explain how?

Sainsburys removed all goods, UK produce and doubt British born Jews understand the nuances in the protests, like up in TESCO where the demonstrators just chucked stuff in the shop about.

You may see this conduct as noble, but it's not, if you don't like what Israel is doing to to the embassy, and if you don't like Sainsburys go to their head office or buy shares and go to the AGM.

Shutting down retailers and preventing the public going about their business is mob rule. The fact that An MP boasted about it without recrimination in he media or by other politicians is a disgrace; obviously such conduct pales into insignificance when compared to the use of the T words.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Sainsburys removed all goods, UK produce and doubt British born Jews understand the nuances in the protests, like up in TESCO where the demonstrators just chucked stuff in the shop about.

You may see this conduct as noble, but it's not, if you don't like what Israel is doing to to the embassy, and if you don't like Sainsburys go to their head office or buy shares and go to the AGM.

Shutting down retailers and preventing the public going about their business is mob rule. The fact that An MP boasted about it without recrimination in he media or by other politicians is a disgrace; obviously such conduct pales into insignificance when compared to the use of the T words.

You're muddying the waters to suit your own agenda. You accused the Muslim Labour MP of protesting against Sainsburys for stocking Kosher produce, when she was doing absolutely nothing of the sort. And you did this, in order to make the UKIP member appear less outrageous.

What you just said is a bare faced lie - she was protesting against Sainsburys for stocking Israeli goods produced in occupied territories, and she is perfectly entitled to do that in a democracy. If you want to talk about mob rule, well I agree with the sentiment, but I'd say Sainsbury's decision to remove kosher produce from the shelves was totally misguided, rather than the fault of a protesting MP.

You're better than this - despite often disagreeing with you, I do respect a lot of what you say - it gives food for thought. But on the other hand, sometimes you could just accept that a UKIP member has been an idiot, without dragging in examples of lunacy from other political hues, least of all made up ones.


Deleted member 22389

Sainsburys removed all goods, UK produce and doubt British born Jews understand the nuances in the protests, like up in TESCO where the demonstrators just chucked stuff in the shop about.

You may see this conduct as noble, but it's not, if you don't like what Israel is doing to to the embassy, and if you don't like Sainsburys go to their head office or buy shares and go to the AGM.

Shutting down retailers and preventing the public going about their business is mob rule. The fact that An MP boasted about it without recrimination in he media or by other politicians is a disgrace; obviously such conduct pales into insignificance when compared to the use of the T words.

I completely agree with what you say.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
No I would , with no qualms whatsoever, you seem a little upset have I struck a nerve ? Your problem is that you apply your own milksop standards to everyone else , perhaps you should realise that not everyone is as much of a wimp as you.

That's one way of looking at it. Another would be that I'm secure enough that I don't have to strut about referring to people by derogatory racist terms. It just doesn't enter my head to refer to a Chinese takeaway as a Chinky. If that makes me a milksop by your standards then I'm happy to live with that.

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
You're muddying the waters to suit your own agenda. You accused the Muslim Labour MP of protesting against Sainsburys for stocking Kosher produce, when she was doing absolutely nothing of the sort. And you did this, in order to make the UKIP member appear less outrageous.

What you just said is a bare faced lie - she was protesting against Sainsburys for stocking Israeli goods produced in occupied territories, and she is perfectly entitled to do that in a democracy. If you want to talk about mob rule, well I agree with the sentiment, but I'd say Sainsbury's decision to remove kosher produce from the shelves was totally misguided, rather than the fault of a protesting MP.

You're better than this - despite often disagreeing with you, I do respect a lot of what you say - it gives food for thought. But on the other hand, sometimes you could just accept that a UKIP member has been an idiot, without dragging in examples of lunacy from other political hues, least of all made up ones.

Then we will agree to disagree; however I still consider the media treatment of this story is out of proportion when compared to the "misconduct" of other elected representatives.

Mahmood is a case in point but she is not alone. Her protest and boast on YouTube of shutting Sainsburys is irresponsible and unbecoming of an elected representative. She may want to justify her actions as nobly defending oppressed Palestinians by preventing people shopping at a branch of Sainsburys in Birmingham but is that really the best she can do as an MP?

At a time when anti Semetism is on the rise I would have expected an MP from a minority to have more sense about the cause and effect of justifying mob rule on a narrow interpretation of what is "kosher" (pardon the pun) for Sainsburys to sell.

Evidently this nuance is lost on Sainsburys as it is other protestors hence Sainsburys clearing their shelves of British produced Kosher food for British Jews. Mahmood actions (no doubt inadvertently) has provided a tacit justification for direct action against branches in Sainsburys, and just like this UKIP MEP she should know better.

Then again maybe it was more about playing up to her constituents; just like the UKIP MEP it probably won't cost her any votes will it?


Dec 11, 2009
That's one way of looking at it. Another would be that I'm secure enough that I don't have to strut about referring to people by derogatory racist terms. It just doesn't enter my head to refer to a Chinese takeaway as a chinky. If that makes me a milksop by your standards then I'm happy to live with that.

Im not referring to you as a milksop and a wimp for your methods of referring to the chinese, its your assumption that other posters wouldn't dare to use the term chinky in front of an asian , or your laughable statement that your chinese sister In law would 'floor' anyone who did , as I said , don't judge everyone else by the apparent lack of bollocks that you so obviously posess.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Im not referring to you as a milksop and a wimp for your methods of referring to the chinese, its your assumption that other posters wouldn't dare to use the term chinky in front of an asian , or your laughable statement that your chinese sister In law would 'floor' anyone who did , as I said , don't judge everyone else by the apparent lack of bollocks that you so obviously posess.

Oh right, sorry you're right. I do "posess a lack of bollocks". You're brilliant.

P.S: For the record my sister in law is a Tan Shan MMA women's champion but I'm sure you're mega hard and able to deal with her no problem ;-) just as a lot of my family are martial artists and stunt performers, including me but I'm sure that's no match for you eh!
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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 3, 2012
I, for, one, have read their website. I am totally at odds with them over Europe, and the rest of their policies just increased and emphasised the at oddsness.

When I wrote that, I wrote it in a hurry and realised that I looked at their website some time ago and that Nigel Farage himself had said it was rubbish.

So now I have looked at their website, and in particular the "Issues" page..... and I feel the same about it as the earlier version. It looks like it was written by an ill-informed feeble GCSE politics student.


Dec 11, 2009
Oh right, sorry you're right. I do "posess a lack of bollocks". You're brilliant.

P.S: For the record my sister in law is a Tan Shan MMA women's champion but I'm sure you're mega hard and able to deal with her no problem ;-) just as a lot of my family are martial artists and stunt performers, including me but I'm sure that's no match for you eh!

Yes, of course she is nibble , as for martial arts in a street fight , most of them arent worth a **** , boxing is the only one thats useful , even thai boxing or kick boxing doesnt translate well , try doing a round house in a pair of jeans or in a crowded pub with people in the way , maybe ju jitsu or krav mava , but nothing else.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Yes, of course she is nibble , as for martial arts in a street fight , most of them arent worth a **** , boxing is the only one thats useful , even thai boxing or kick boxing doesnt translate well , try doing a round house in a pair of jeans or in a crowded pub with people in the way , maybe ju jitsu or krav mava , but nothing else.

Bore off son.
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New member
Jan 3, 2007
The classic response of someone who has attempted (and failed) to sound like he knows what he's talking about , and has unfortunately encountered someone who does.

You sound like a genius. :lolol:

Most of the people I work with in stunts and martial arts don't do this childish one-upmanship crap or they wouldn't last long, that's how I can tell you are a chancer. Now, do yourself a favour and drop the subject.
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