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[News] Alastair Campbell expelled.

Mo Gosfield

Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
I'll give it a watch, heads up though I generally try and get my facts from various sources. This often means looking up and reading both sides of the argument before reaching an opinion on it. For example, I think it's entirely reasonable to suggest Tony Blair isn't the devil incarnate many make him out to be and he did, in fact, achieve an awful lot of good during his Premiership. But I guess that's another debate, and not one many people are capable of having to any degree of maturity.

" Education, Education, Education " ( Tony Blair 1997 )

1) Pupils achieving 5 or more GCSE passes ( A-C )

Job done.
A whole generation of kids achieving ever better results, year after year after year. Never before had this happened. There was no real pattern to it before. How did they do it? Where did they suddenly find all the brilliant teachers from? Each year brighter and more talented than before. The future was incredibly rosy. Universities were bursting at the seams. Dons couldn't believe the calibre joining each year.
Full marks to Tony Blair and his team of geniuses....David Blunkett, Estelle Morris, Charles Clarke, Ruth Kelly and Alan Johnson.......This is his greatest legacy.....Education.
Please don't anyone spoil this by suggesting that they dumbed down the examination standards and gave more marks to in-term course work. I simply won't have it. No one would put the future of our children at risk by doing this, surely? No one would want to mislead our future generations into believing that they were more talented than they actually were, surely? It would be a crime against a whole generation. It would be unthinkable, wouldn't it?


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
I can define a bit by taking the Labour Party manifesto of 2010 and 2015, comparing it to 2017, and in comparison I think it was fair to say 'a bit'.

Hi Bold and good morning to you.
I am, by no means, a political geek and confess to never having read a political party's manifesto in my life. However, I think the main thrust of the point Drew was making, was that the present Labour Party under the Marxist leadership of Corbyn, McDonnell and the likes of creepy Seamus Milne, aided and abetted by Momentum, bears little or no resemblance to the party of the left of centre that it once was.

Chicken Run

Member Since Jul 2003
NSC Patron
Jul 17, 2003
Valley of Hangleton
" Education, Education, Education " ( Tony Blair 1997 )

1) Pupils achieving 5 or more GCSE passes ( A-C )

Job done.
A whole generation of kids achieving ever better results, year after year after year. Never before had this happened. There was no real pattern to it before. How did they do it? Where did they suddenly find all the brilliant teachers from? Each year brighter and more talented than before. The future was incredibly rosy. Universities were bursting at the seams. Dons couldn't believe the calibre joining each year.
Full marks to Tony Blair and his team of geniuses....David Blunkett, Estelle Morris, Charles Clarke, Ruth Kelly and Alan Johnson.......This is his greatest legacy.....Education.
Please don't anyone spoil this by suggesting that they dumbed down the examination standards and gave more marks to in-term course work. I simply won't have it. No one would put the future of our children at risk by doing this, surely? No one would want to mislead our future generations into believing that they were more talented than they actually were, surely? It would be a crime against a whole generation. It would be unthinkable, wouldn't it?

Totally agree, and if they did mislead this fantastic generation all it would do is turn them into snow flakes which would never happen......


New member
Jan 27, 2019

I am not politically active in that I don't go on marches and that. But I do vote. I am in favour of the ballot box. I have always favoured Labour. So I prefer a labour government. I remember the Militant years, though. That kept Maggie in power for a long time. I fear that Corbyn and his clowns will keep Boris (yes, him -him or Farrage) in power for a long time. That isn't good.

I am more concerned about this than rerunning the wars in the middle east, and blame dumping......... We won't see eye to eye on that, or anything else it seems. ........Sad really because the right wing nutters on here will be chuckling to themselves to see people who might be their enemy squabbling among themselves.

I would suggest I do in fact agree with all of the above.
It is not helpful to describe people as nutters regarding their political views, because if it were applied to other areas of their self-identification ( race, sexuality, ethnicity....etc) it would be described as a 'hate-crime'. Just be careful with labels. Left and right we, as a society, are descending into polarisation which de-humanises the recipient in our own eyes. Worrying times. It seems its ok to actually state we 'hate' people with differing views. Lazy and dangerous.


New member
Jan 27, 2019
So you're saying that homelessness and food banks were all the fault of Tony Blair!

Well I'm sure they were there before Blair and there are more of both now under the Tories!

I'm old enough to actually know, not just be sure that regarding that statement, you're talking out your kneck.

Mo Gosfield

Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
Totally agree, and if they did mislead this fantastic generation all it would do is turn them into snow flakes which would never happen......

I agree.
Our last two generations are clearly intelligent, mature and well-rounded. Thank God, they are are different from my generation and the one before mine. I wish I had been born more recently rather than being surrounded in my peer group by racist, xenophobic thicko's. I know Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Mature Students, Entrepreneurs, Scientists and Financiers and they are all the same. Idiots. Thick. Ugly, Crass, Racist Xenophobes who have ruined the country for those following. Bring forward euthanasia and lets painlessly remove everyone over 60. They serve no purpose. They just get in the way.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
We have Boris incoming, and May outgoing, and no sign of any stirring among the opposition, and some complete chumps are still fulminating about Blair not being sifficiently left wing and pure for them?

Crikey....whoever said we get the governments we deserve was right. Collectively I think we now deserve a short sharp shit shower of the right honourless Nigel Farrage MP as prime minister. Let the pure left idealogues see what real shameless bastardry looks like.

Meanwhile, yes, let's go on a witch hunt against the traitor to socialism, Tony Blair and his evil henchman, Alistair Campbell. :facepalm::facepalm:

Honestly, sometimes I can understand where that [MENTION=31796]alfredmizen[/MENTION] was coming from. Albeit with my longer words and better punctuation, clearer insight, greater restraint and lack of islamophobia, obviously.

One of my brothers thinks the biggest evil in the middle east is Israel. I can understand how he thinks this way. But there again I can understand how some people think Tony Blair was the worst labour leader ever. It is called not using your ****ing brains. I understand that.

I'm done here. I'll leave the deluded purists to their political suicide pact. No compromise with the electorate, remember. Any compromise, and I'll be having you. punish:

Can't see old 'Forage' as PM, thankfully.
However, a choice between Johnson and Corbyn to be elected as our 'Glorious Leader' is about as grim as it can get and may be we deserve it.
As far as 'shit showers' are concerned, disregarding a Farage version, it may take a Corbyn version to wreck the country and hence show the deluded, once and for all, that extremism doesn't work!
P.S. Actually, I believe that when 'shit comes to shove', the country would come to its senses and never vote Corbyn in. Equally, I hope Johnson never gets the chance to be PM, either!
Happy days!:ohmy::thumbsup:


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
Charles Clarke (Tony Blair's Home Secretary):
“I also voted Liberal Democrat. This was a one-off decision because of the hopeless incoherence of Labour’s position, particularly that of Jeremy Corbyn, on Brexit.”

Bob Ainsworth (Gordon Brown’s Defence Secretary):
“I voted Green in the Euro elections having never voted other than Labour before in my entire life. I didn’t intend to make this public, but now Alastair has been expelled for doing the same I feel obliged to do so.”

Have they been expelled yet?


Feb 20, 2004
a galaxy far far away
My views on the above

Agree or disagree with him, Campbell is a fairly sensible bloke when you listen to what he says

Chucking him out of the party sends completely the wrong message, especially when you haven't done it to other people for much more serious offences

Having a party rule where you can't be a member of a party and vote for another party is a stupid idea. There are all sorts of reasons why you might want to vote for someone else on occasion, certainly in this day and age.

Bold Seagull

strong and stable with me, or...
Mar 18, 2010
My views on the above

Agree or disagree with him, Campbell is a fairly sensible bloke when you listen to what he says

Chucking him out of the party sends completely the wrong message, especially when you haven't done it to other people for much more serious offences

Having a party rule where you can't be a member of a party and vote for another party is a stupid idea. There are all sorts of reasons why you might want to vote for someone else on occasion, certainly in this day and age.



"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
We have Boris incoming, and May outgoing, and no sign of any stirring among the opposition, and some complete chumps are still fulminating about Blair not being sifficiently left wing and pure for them?

Crikey....whoever said we get the governments we deserve was right. Collectively I think we now deserve a short sharp shit shower of the right honourless Nigel Farrage MP as prime minister. Let the pure left idealogues see what real shameless bastardry looks like.

Meanwhile, yes, let's go on a witch hunt against the traitor to socialism, Tony Blair and his evil henchman, Alistair Campbell. :facepalm::facepalm:

Honestly, sometimes I can understand where that [MENTION=31796]alfredmizen[/MENTION] was coming from. Albeit with my longer words and better punctuation, clearer insight, greater restraint and lack of islamophobia, obviously.

One of my brothers thinks the biggest evil in the middle east is Israel. I can understand how he thinks this way. But there again I can understand how some people think Tony Blair was the worst labour leader ever. It is called not using your ****ing brains. I understand that.

I'm done here. I'll leave the deluded purists to their political suicide pact. No compromise with the electorate, remember. Any compromise, and I'll be having you. punish:
There's no room for pragmatism in the modern form of the Labour party. As we have seen, when centrist moderates are hounded out, their reasoning isn't the rights and wrongs of their crimes for which they are marginalised or even excluded, it always falls back to why they weren't liked a decade or 2 ago.

Campbell is expelled for voting on a single issue to highlight the absolute mess that is current Labour Brexit policy. The hypocrisy beggars belief when you consider the 600 times Corbyn voted against Labour policy when they were in government. Campbell's crime is clearly nothing more than being a moderate. He's no more of a bully than anyone leading Labour right now.

And just to highlight Labour's complete hypocrisy, let's not forget Derek Hatton was allowed back into Labour under this appalling party leadership. Derek Hatton. Remember him? Here is a speech from one of the finest politicians we've ever had not to be part of a government - Kinnock absolutely slaughtering Hatton and his ilk for their appalling mismanagement of Liverpool. He took back the Labour party from the sort of utter twàts that people like Corbyn represent...


...people like Hatton, who play politics with people's lives. He was expelled for belonging to Militant, a group found to be in breach of the Labour Party's constitution, much as Campbell has just been. But Hatton has been allowed back in, despite an absolutely appalling Marxist track record of nearly bankrupting one of our cities. Campbell made mistakes - Iraq obviously - but his political record stands up. Three terms in office will tell you that.

Oh and when Kinnock got tough with Hatton, the Labour membership LOVED it, and they'll love it again when the current useless, hypocritical leadership who only play to their own gallery finally fck off.


New member
Jan 27, 2019

And well may you hang your head. The percentage of CHILDREN going to school hungry these days is a national disgrace, for instance.
Look away from your dumbphone or the mirror, stuff is happening to real people.


Nov 2, 2009
Brighton / Hove actually

I am not politically active in that I don't go on marches and that. But I do vote. I am in favour of the ballot box. I have always favoured Labour. So I prefer a labour government. I remember the Militant years, though. That kept Maggie in power for a long time. I fear that Corbyn and his clowns will keep Boris (yes, him -him or Farrage) in power for a long time. That isn't good.

I am more concerned about this than rerunning the wars in the middle east, and blame dumping. We won't see eye to eye on that, or anything else it seems. Sad really because the right wing nutters on here will be chuckling to themselves to see people who might be their enemy squabbling among themselves.

I am not blame dumping.

This is not about rerunning the wars in the Middle East as they are current and whole, and the soul reason of mass migration of people into Europe of people with incomparable values. Agree?

All the people escaping the wars in the Middle East are blaming the west for their displacement, deaths of family members and destruction of their countries. And whilst they might hate ISIS and other groups the west gets blamed for the creation of extremism as a byproduct of an unjustified Iraq invasion. Agree?

I am a person of principle and I believe that our leaders should be held accountable for their bad behaviour in the same way we expect other leaders around the world to be held accountable. Is this position fair?

Blair felt justified in killing innocent people get to Saddam. Do you disagree?

ISIS feel justified in killing innocent people for what Bush and Blair did. Do you disagree?

Who are these right wing nutters? As soon as I criticise Islam I am labelled as a right wing Nazi and am blocked from threads and even banned with one being for 3 months. Who will be chuckling?

This is the important question; If locking Blair up for his crime against peace started a down turn in radicalisation that lessened the terror threat in this country. Would this sacrifice be worth it if it saved another Manchester from happening?

You may be concerned with the government Punch & Judy Show but you are missing the bigger picture that influences the puppet show from outside.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
This is the ruling, the Labour Party are using to expel Campbell. He said he is going to appeal. Note the list of names of those associated with the Communist Party rally.



Many More Voting Years
NSC Patron
Aug 10, 2007
And well may you hang your head. The percentage of CHILDREN going to school hungry these days is a national disgrace, for instance.
Look away from your dumbphone or the mirror, stuff is happening to real people.

Depends on three things 1 The percentage figure 2 The definition of hunger used 3 The definition of national disgrace

Considering that all three criteria can be massaged to suit the agenda required, I would suggest that you are typing utter balderdash, but you knew that anyway huh?


Nov 2, 2009
Brighton / Hove actually
So, Gaddafi didn't supply arms to IRA terrorists that went on to bomb London, didn't protect the murderer of PC Fletcher, had nothing to do with Lockerbie. As for Saddam, I guess it's a myth about him starting a war with Iran or invading Kuwait, or using WMD on Kurds or the countless individuals that disappeared from their prison system.

You seem to have a very personal bias against Blair when in reality, the war was undertaken by the US. It would almost certainly have happened whether we supported them or not. And as HWT stated, had there been a tory PM then they would have gone along with it as well. Seems odd that you blame Blair more then you seem to blame Bush!

Here we go more waffle. Bush and Blair are the same but Blair was our leader that we are responsible for.

I very much doubt that John Major would have been so stupid as to be fooled into being Bush's favourite poodle and going to war on a second front :lolol:

If America went in anyway without us it would not be our problem and could not be blamed for it as we are today.

Selling and buying arms is an international business. I doubt Gaddafi ordered the killing of a British police officer and it's dubious whether Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie and it is suggested that there was an Iranian connection. He admitted culpability in Fletcher's shooting and he took the hit for Lockerbie paying compensation for both.

He also dismantled and stopped producing WMD on agreement with Blair and opened up oil and Business to the UK to design and develop infrastructure. There were hundreds of civil engineering projects out there that the UK was part of until 2011.

Don't forget that the US, UK and France supported Saddam in the Iraq Iran war.

The WMD that was used on the Kurds was supplied by Frnace:–Iraq_War

"Citing a "left-of-center" French magazine, Le Nouvel Observateur, as the primary source, but also quoting French officials, the New York Times reported France had been sending chemical precursors of chemical weapons to Iraq, since 1986"

You are cleanly just arguing for the sake of it with little substance and a narrow view.

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