Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Yes, I got ‘told off’ for not listing my ticket for the Southampton game. I didn’t feel well and read NSC which said there were hundreds of tickets available.I was surprised to get an email from the club 'telling me off' for not going to the Chelsea league game (the only home game I've missed this season). I didn't list it on the Exchange because it was too late. I live in London and set off very late for the match because of work. I missed my connection and realised I wouldn't be able to get there until well after kick off. It was also freezing and I was feeling a bit ill, so I turned round, went home and watched it on the telly (and regret it now because I missed the goal of the season!)
So there are genuine reasons for not listing on the exchange and on the rare occasion I have done in previous seasons my seat has never sold.
After 60 odd years of supporting, I felt a bit put out to be treated like that, I have say. I felt like a naughty child.