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  1. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    Of course there is a balance. And difficult decisions. But right now, the reality is that numbers are going up and accelerating and spreading. And the actions taken so far are not working. My fear is that the decisions from here may not be led by a clear plan, consistently implemented, but by...
  2. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    This is exactly what we need to avoid- coronavirus cases spiralling at the same time as hospitals are normally overloaded Cases numbers across the country are accelerating again, and the South East (as expected) now beginning to rise faster and faster. Where Liverpool is now, I'd suspect...
  3. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    No good reason to believe? 'The US will not sign a free trade deal with the UK if its farmers cannot sell meat and other agricultural goods to Britain without...
  4. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    But 'theatre' implies just for show when to my mind, it wasn't. To me this is exactly what good opposition looks like when the government has such a large and obedient majority. But maybe we are talking at cross purposes.
  5. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    Are you saying that the UK public are stupid and easily manipulated by the media? It may not be 'proof' that the government never intended to maintain food standards, but it's a pretty damned good indicator. Especially given prior evidence of how dishonest they are.
  6. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    It's not 'just' political theatre though is it? It will have been designed not with any expectation that it would be successful (with the majority this goverment has, it was never going to) but to ensure that food standards, and the threat to them from a deal with the US, are widely debated and...
  7. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    This is an excellent analogy as long as: a) There was very good reason to expect that Labour would need to allow the teaching of radical left wing Marxism to primary school children in order to get a desperately (and I mean desperate) needed trade deal with the US b) Labour had included in...
  8. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    You seem like a sensible chap. Please don't fall into the false equivalence 'all as bad as each other' trap that has been set. Corbyn, and those around him had many faults. You may not have agreed with their policies or strategy. But they did not lie deliberately, knowingly and on an...
  9. highflyer


    Yup. Given the polls, there is no way he'd still be getting the betting odds he is (2/1?) if people were assuming it was going to all run 'free and fair' from here. The betting looks like it is based on a fairly widespread expectation he won't fight clean. I'm guessing he'll be given little...
  10. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    How do you know I am not? I know enough decent politicians, that I do not take that as an automatic insult. A key aim of the 'scorched earth' Cummings strategy has been to convince us to believe the populist lie that 'they are all as bad as each other'. Which anyone with personal experience of...
  11. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    No. people start with the fact that this government has lied endlessly and blatently, and work back from there to a conclusion that we no longer believe what they tell us. You reap what you sow. Lies can only get you so far. The bigger the lies the further you may get. But they will catch up...
  12. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    The truth has indeed been damned. We know who by. And we know why. That's the heart of the problem here, not the benefits or otherwise of chlorinated chicken. This government, and those that lead it, has lied like no other before it. Blatently. Openly, Repeatedly. And without apparent shame.
  13. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    Your attempts to spin this are poor and transparent. Don't be suprised when you are called out. A lie has been flushed out. That is all that has happened here. It won't make a blind bit of difference We have this god awful, elitist, immoral, incompetent, corrupt as f*ck, government for four...
  14. highflyer

    [Politics] Safeguards on food standards have been removed.

    This is disingenuous and I suspect deliberately so. I do not believe for one nanosecond that the Tories voted the amendment down out of concern for the interests of developing countries. This would be so far out of character as to be literally unbelievable. What we ALL know has happened is...
  15. highflyer

    [Finance] Consumer Advice

    He bought a second hand motor, private sale, sold as seen. You were generous and decent in your offer(s) when things went wrong. Unless there is something that you haven't told us, you got this right. Sleep easy
  16. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    But what do you think has happened to 'end' the pandemic exactly? Because as far as I can see we have brought it under control to some extent with restrictions, testing etc. And medical teatments are a bit better, but only a bit. And that's it. That's where we are. That's reality. Death...
  17. highflyer

    [News] The Coronavirus Good News thread

    Here's a pretty realistic roundup of where things are. No false optimism, but also showing that it's not as bleak as parts of the twittersphere would have you believe. Especially in the south (albeit with no room for complacency). In my view this is likely to be a FAR more accurate picture than...
  18. highflyer


    Still plummeting in the polls it seems. God only knows what he will do/say as he gets increasingly desperate. The problem, as far as I can see, is that all he is doing with the insane ranting is hardening his base. But he had them already, and they are not enough. Where he has apparently been...
  19. highflyer


    Pence makes Trump look sane and reasonable. Proper scary 'end of days' stuff going on in his head. No. Thank. You.
  20. highflyer


    Nihilism rather than 'leftist' I'd say. Definitely lazy though.

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