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  1. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...
  2. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Either way, they're a bunch of stinkers that add nothing to the benefit of the rest of us.
  3. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    I would not be surprised if we see a sequence like this as the year progresses: * First Rwanda flight is booked. * Those scheduled to be on that flight launch ECHR challenge. * Airline that initially agreed to do it backs out after it causes PR nightmare. * Government reverts to using RAF...
  4. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Might be worth doing some research into electorally defined 2 chamber systems that exist already before jumping to conclusions about how they'd work? eg Australia has a second chamber (the Senate) that is elected via a form of PR. Senator terms are offset - unless there's a "double dissolution"...
  5. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    I don't disagree with you. I think where we differ is in how fast the current processes operate. It could take months before a recall petition can be triggered under the current procedures, and that IMO is no where near good enough. It's also still possible (despite Boris' fumbling failed...
  6. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Indeed. This would almost certainly be an instant gross misconduct suspension pending investigation and hearing that would almost certainly result in dismissal in the vast majority of private companies. Especially given a private company would be facing up to having to report the data breach to...
  7. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Yep - which just goes to prove that it is completely pointless legislating for a fine. Would far rather see them spending their time and effort legislating to "impose a penalty" that is designed to try to help the homeless onto a pathway off the streets. It's a complete waste of court and police...
  8. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    The thing that really stinks (sorry) about this is that whoever briefed this up seems to be under the illusion that homeless people have £2500 lying around to pay fines. It's like they think it's some kind of lifestyle choice, rather than something that the homeless find themselves forced into...
  9. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    It's similar here in East Sussex (Uckfield). One of the roads near me has a long stretch that's been breaking up for a while. They keep coming back and doing bodge job fixes and ignoring other bits that are clearly going to need repair imminently as well. They did at least finally give in and...
  10. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    [...] respite [...] I hope that was an autocorrect ;). Gave me flashbacks to a Dave Gorman episode.
  11. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    At what point does Starmer bite back when Sunak trots out the "you have no plan" line with a comeback along the lines of "Windfall tax on energy sector was our idea before yours; removal of non-dom tax breaks was our policy you stole, [etc]. If we have no plan, why do you keep stealing our...
  12. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Would "bell end" be more appropriate?
  13. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    The Resolution Foundation (and others) are basing their calculations on elements that are already in the public domain. Those may or may not be changed in the next budget; but those elements were crucial in how Hunt justified handouts in his last fiscal statement, so no doubt those elements will...
  14. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    The left does have its own media, but it's never had the money behind that the equivalent right media has had and therefore lacks traction. Having said that, there's certain authors who appear on the Guardian that I avoid; those who I would bundle up as being the left-sided versions of some of...
  15. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Had a Conservative leaflet for Mims Davies through the door a few days ago. Vast majority of it was green in colour. To be fair, it did clearly identify itself as being party political campaign leaflet for the Conservatives, but damn they were doing everything they could to not make it...
  16. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    It's a decent system. More democratic than FPTP, and IMO would be a necessary stepping stone towards PR. Flipping from FPTP to full PR in one go isn't a good idea IMO. I really like the Aussie system. AV for the lower house (which determines the government). It typically generates majority...
  17. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Whatever it is, it isn't a "now" phenomenon. Looking at by-election turnouts since 1979, there's a clear reduction in average turnouts. Across 79-22, the average is 50.2% apparently. But if you look at the graphed timeline, you've got the 80's running around 60%, then a gradual decline through...
  18. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Personally think this is a lazy narrative from the press. By-elections typically have lower turn out, there's nothing unusual in that. Neither of yesterday's turnouts are anywhere near the list of lowest by-election turnouts, and aren't even low by the standards of the current parliament (there...
  19. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Labour in Kingswood actually got fewer votes than the majority the Tories held from 2019. Turn out massively down. IIRC, the polling orgs have mostly adjusted their methodology now to try to take account for "shy Tories". I guess we'll see how well they've done with that at the next GE.
  20. Audax

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Not as many as he's going to lose, one would hope. He's had an absolute howler today even by his own standards, which is a real achievement for someone who's making a career out of being poor at PMQs.

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