And so we come to the third match in this year's competition. This features another size mismatch of the type much loved in WHC. The Tiger is big, rough and tough, except for its largely forgotten low point when it pimped itself out, posing for Esso back in the day. The Grasshopper Mouse in teeny tiny yet totally mental. Away you go...
Tiger - beat the Tardigrade 33/19 in the 2nd round

It was a routine stroll for the Tiger in the last round. It's the biggest cat in the world. It possesses undeniable beauty to go with its brawn. The Tiger will catch, kill and devour pretty much anything in their path. It doesn't necessarily confine itself to smaller prey either, as reports have been received of attacks against elephants and rhinos. It can carry up to double its own bodyweight and run up to 40 miles per hour. Want more hard? The collective noun for tigers is an "ambush". How cool is that?
Tiger attack videos are thin on the ground. Here we have a tiger casually bringing down a buffalo, seemingly unperturbed by the presence of the accompanying herd and dozens of pointy horns.
Grasshopper Mouse - beat the Naked Mole Rat 32/14 in the 2nd round

The Grasshopper Mouse is still looking for its first WHC crown. It came desperately close back in 2017, when it was only stopped in the final by the triumphant Honey Badger. Last year it was beaten at the semi-final stage by the Hippo. The GM has only been stopped by the eventual champion these past two years. It's badass, it's angry and it wants victory. Despite its diminutive stature, the GM will patrol a territory up to 28 acres in size. Intruders are warned off by the GM’s signature howl. It stands on its hind legs and howls like a wolf. A wolf! Creatures still daring to enter its turf do so at their own risk. It can hunt, stalk, attack, kill and, if the occasion demands it, kill family quite readily. It battles and beats poisonous foes, actually turning toxins into painkillers. Dastardly clever and most assuredly hard. It's a brawler and just the kind of creature WHC was made for. It has a big opponent in this quarter final but has the game to match it.