We’re getting into the later stages of the Group of 16 and here is one of those abstract encounters that WHC was just made for.

Biggest cat in the world and an absolute beauty but you would not want to get on the wrong side of one. The Tiger is the consummate hunter, as demonstrated by the length of their a la carte menu. They will catch, kill and devour pretty much anything in their path and reports have been received of attacks against elephants and rhinos.

With the appearance of a microscopic pillow, the Tardigrade can credibly argue to be the most resilient of all creatures. It simply shrugs off changes in temperature, pressure, food and even radiation. The Tardigrade has been found to withstand temperatures ranging from -200 to 150° C. It survives boiling liquids and pressure up to six times that experienced in the deepest ocean. The vacuum of space? Nah! Not bothered, thanks. It can live in space. Unprotected. It’s survived all five of earth's mass extinctions. When deprived of water it goes into a state known as cryptobiosis: curling into a ball, known as a tun, and slowing its metabolic rate to 0.01% that of normal. These have been successfully revived after 30 years of stasis. It may not be a brawler but there’s no doubting the fact it’s hard as nails.