The 2019 rumble continues with two classic WHC competitors going head to head. These nutcase creatures have been in training through the winter so use your vote wisely. On current form this should be a stroll on the ice for the Polar Bear, but can the Cassowary turn its world upside down? Let me hear you arguing out there.
Polar Bear

Formerly an NSC favourite, the Polar Bear has found its popularity on the wane slightly in recent years. It’s not won in some time, although it made it all the way to the semi-final last year before falling at the final hurdle to the redoubtable Honey Badger. The Polar Bear possesses quite brutal strength. It can attack walruses and whales, can scale icy cliff faces and swim for hundreds of miles at a time. It smells food from miles away. It runs faster than the speed limit in those piddly little Brighton roads. And it’s got massive teeth too. Nasty, sharp, pointy teeth. Look at the bones!
A controversial video, as it shows an unsuccessful hunt but there’s no doubting the Polar Bear’s intrinsic hardness, as it takes on a hundred walruses.

The Cassowary has had it tough in recent years. Last year it failed to make it out of the group stage, with a vote count in single figures. In 2017 it was comfortably beaten by a shrew; a chastening experience for this competitive Australian.
The Cassowary is generally relatively placid but is the proud owner of a pretty short fuse. It can turn on any perceived threat dramatically, launching itself and seeking to draw blood with its fearsome middle claw. You would not want to be on the end of that. An endearingly idiosyncratic character in the WHC firmament, does the Cassowary really have the game to take on one of the big beasts?
Even the babies are hard…