If you are going to pretend to ‘foment a fomentation’ Harry, and especially one about language, at least talk about Teachers Whisky and not Whiskey!The main reason I hated ITV when it started was the programmes were shit. This is long before I became irritated by TV adverts, and turned into a woke lefty, obsessed with culture wars.
The absolute worst was that one with the language teacher, the Swedish 'totty' in hot pants, the dopey Indian who got all the words wrong, etc. And if any of you are nodding sagely, I made all that up because I never watched it (only the trailers). Being a sit com writer for ITV in the 60s and 70s was simply a chance for embittered hack gammon to vent, while drinking Teachers whiskey and smoking Rothmans. In the afternoon. Shortly after having got out of bed. The ****s.

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