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[Albion] Which of these two former players is better?

Who is the better midfielder?

  • Moisés Caicedo

    Votes: 40 80.0%
  • Yves Bissouma

    Votes: 10 20.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Sep 27, 2023
Hello, former resident, graduate from University of Brighton and a spurs fan in peace here. I have a big soft spot for Brighton, as you can imagine.

I am genuinely interested in your opinion considering what is going on at Chelsea.

After your watching them both for a good while, who do you think is a better midfield player out of Yves Bissouma and Moisés Caicedo, and importantly, why?

I imagine it being Caicedo considering his price tag, but Bissouma has been incredible so far this season.

At this point it seems like you don't need either so congratulations on the great start and do feel free to smash Chelsea up tonight.


New member
Sep 27, 2023
Neither is "better", they are two very different players.
Fair enough. There are a lot of comparisons being made and yet Chelsea fans are not particularly watching Spurs, and vice versa. Brighton fans would know best having watched them for years. We barely saw Bissouma last season because of Conte.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
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NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Neither is "better", they are two very different players.
They're different but not that different. Both best at '6' where they can read the game, both intercept and tackle exceptionally and are very good passers of the ball (or were for us!).

Caicedo is a little more box to box and shoots better. Biss's decision making when it comes to shooting was dreadful here. Bissouma is more experienced and better at shithousery.

Caicedo for me has a bag more potential but, so far this season, Biss is a better buy for Spurs.


Hove / Παρος
Apr 7, 2006
Hove / Παρος
Fair enough. There are a lot of comparisons being made and yet Chelsea fans are not particularly watching Spurs, and vice versa. Brighton fans would know best having watched them for years. We barely saw Bissouma last season because of Conte.

I disagree with Cowfold Seagulls they're not "very different players". They both operate in similar roles for the team.

As to which is better, it's hard to say as for us as Bissouma played all his games under Hughton and Potter, while Moises has played the vast majority under di Zerbi. Such different styles of football. I would say both are excellent players, if Bissouma had longer on his contract he'd have been going for a lot more than the £25m or whatever Spurs paid for him.


New member
Sep 27, 2023
Just watched this:

I have watched that but "Tactics Tim" Sherwood is the one who stopped Redknapp buying Luis Suarez for Spurs because "he could not play alone upfront" (facepalm).

More interested in the fans that have watched them both week in and week out.


New member
Sep 27, 2023
I disagree with Cowfold Seagulls they're not "very different players". They both operate in similar roles for the team.

As to which is better, it's hard to say as for us as Bissouma played all his games under Hughton and Potter, while Moises has played the vast majority under di Zerbi. Such different styles of football. I would say both are excellent players, if Bissouma had longer on his contract he'd have been going for a lot more than the £25m or whatever Spurs paid for him.

That's a really good point about the different styles and coaches. We didn't see what Bissouma could do under di Zerbi.

Just a quick mention, I was so happy for Chris Hughton when you finally got promoted. Love that man.


I changed this.
Jul 28, 2011
Personally think Biss is the better player right now.

He's got a bit more experience and crucially isn't playing under the pressure of being one of the most expensive signings in history, in front of a toxic fanbase, with his wages paid by an American oaf who's currently on his fourth manager in two years.

If (perhaps when) Chelsea stop being such an absolute hilarity of a club then maybe the Caicedo we watched play will resurface.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2017
Spank the Manc
There's revisionism on here around Caicedo because of the cloud he left under.

On his day for us, he was absolutely world class. This kid would make absurd tackles, get up and then ping the ball across the pitch to set up an attack. His anticipation and positioning in particular were very strong, he was everywhere on the pitch.

Bissouma excelled at breaking up play and was fantastic as the DM anchor for us, but looked like a great PL player but not really the step above that.

When Caicedo first emerged, everyone was amazed that we'd managed to find someone not only better than Bissouma, but several years younger and he hit the ground running.

Why he has seemingly flopped so far at Chelsea who knows, but he's not the first to do so at that toxic shit hole.

I'm also really happy to see Biss finally performing and being appreciated at Spurs. Conte was the wrong manager for him.

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
The crucial point here is that Yves is far further ahead in his development. When he was 21 he wasn't at the level to play in this division, whereas Moises already looked international class and probably a bit better when he was with us last season.

Caicedo will have the same sort of dips that all young players have, that will be exacerbated by going to a talent wood chipper of a club, but will go on to be comfortably the better player.

I enjoyed both players while they were here


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2011
Yves is an excellent midfielder who has the nous and strength to dominate a midfield at the highest level. However, he's 26. When he came to us he was a raw talent who needed to learn how to best use his strengths. It took him a season or two to show the player he could be. He flourished when Potter came in and played more possession football than Hughton had, so it's not surprising to see him being better for Ange's Spurs than he was for Conte's.

Caicedo is still a year younger than Biss was when he joined us. At 21, Yves was showing promise in L1 in France, at the same age Caicedo had just been player of the season in an EPL team with a top six finish. We were surprised when we had a player as good as YB in our midfield. We were astonished when his replacement was younger and better. He's made the wrong move going to that poisonous West London hole. Had he made the sensible move, he'd be excelling in the more nurturing environment he would have got at Liverpool.

With the two of them in our midfield at the end of the season before last we beat Man Utd 4-0. These days, with them, Mac Allister, Trossard, Cucurella and Sanchez all gone, we have to settle for 3-1. (Although the latter was away).

In short, at the top of their games Caicedo is better than Bissouma and also has a higher ceiling.

They're both excellent, but look out for Carlos Baleba.

Greg Bobkin

Silver Seagull
May 22, 2012
I'm pretty rubbish at reading the game, but I said after Caicedo's first few appearances for Brighton that he would be better than Biss – and he was, IMO anyway. Yes, they did a slightly different role, but Caicedo was more imposing and seemed to (not sure on specific stats) win the ball back a lot more than Biss and be 'hungrier'?

But, equally, I loved Biss and I'm happy that he's having a good season under Ange. I'm not sure what Conte did to/with him.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2013
Hello, former resident, graduate from University of Brighton and a spurs fan in peace here. I have a big soft spot for Brighton, as you can imagine.

I am genuinely interested in your opinion considering what is going on at Chelsea.

After your watching them both for a good while, who do you think is a better midfield player out of Yves Bissouma and Moisés Caicedo, and importantly, why?

I imagine it being Caicedo considering his price tag, but Bissouma has been incredible so far this season.

At this point it seems like you don't need either so congratulations on the great start and do feel free to smash Chelsea up tonight.
You're seeing the best of Biss this season, like we did for three seasons under GP. Last season, he was carrying an injury while playing and Conte has strange ideas about CMs, but I suspect that he'll continue playing at his current level for years.
Although it perhaps doesn't look like it at the moment, Caicedo is the better player: more dynamic, even swifter in the tackle (which is saying something), and with a slightly larger range of attributes (eg long passing).

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
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Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
Personally preferred watching Bissouma, and think he is the more all-round player.

Caicedo though, has a higher ultimate ceiling, and is better at the more specific role he fills.

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