...and I'm back. Good evening ladies and gents and welcome to our continuing coverage of WHC XII. It's been hard. It's been rough. It's been tough. It's been... well... if we're honest it's been a little bit of an embarrassment. Somehow we managed to put out a group stage without one of the nominees and a defending champion. I don't mind telling you it's caused all many of brow furrowing here at WHC Towers. Jim, our competition administrator, has been put on notice. Any further transgressions and he'll be left to his own devices between the hippo and an inviting stretch of water.
So how have we resolved this brouhaha? Well. It's quite simple. Controversial? Yes. Unfair? Possibly. However, 18 into 16 just doesn't go and we've had to trim the pack. To do this, we've turned the group stage into a straightforward popularity contest. Those with the most votes across all groups are progressing to the knockout stage; or the Group of 16 as our European cousins like to call it.
Best make yourselves comfortable. This will go on a bit.
So where does that leave us? The top 14 head mental hard masters will join the Hippo and the Titan Triggerfish, who gets a bye for having been so cruelly slighted. The top 14 and their votes were as follows:
Honey Badger 31
Saltwater Crocodile 26
Mantis Shrimp 17
Polar Bear 17
Great White Shark 16
Tardigrade 16
Tiger 16
Seagull 15
Deathstalker Scorpion 14
Grasshopper Mouse 12
Cassowary 11
Jaguar 11
Naked Mole Rat 11
Tasmanian Devil 9
Some old friends there but interesting to see the Seagull and the Naked Mole Rat making their presence felt.
So onto the draw. Earlier this evening I was joined in the studio by the Toy Poodle, who put up a spirited show in the group stage, and last year's surprise package; the black swallower. Balls were swirled, numbers were called, fates were sealed and nobody got eaten. And here's how they did. Here is the draw for the first of the knockout rounds...
Great White Shark v Seagull
Tasmanian Devil v Jaguar
Polar Bear v Cassowary
Hippopotamus v Deathstalker Scorpion
Naked Mole Rate v Grasshopper Mouse
Titan Triggerfish v Honey Badger
Tiger v Tardigrade
Mantis Shrimp v Saltwater Crocodile
So there we have it. Some mouthwatering match ups for you all there. The Seagull: this intriguing backstreet brawler, goes toe to toe with the Great White Shark. An absolute rodentfest awaits us as the Naked Mole Rat takes on the Grasshopper Mouse. The Honey Badger, so beloved in WHC, has to figure out how to take on the new kid on the block in the shape of the Titan Triggerfish. So much to look forward to. How will it all pan out? Only you can decide.
The ties will (hopefully) begin on Monday morning. None of this weekend nonsense in 2019. Be there, as it promises to be spicy. The trash talking begins. The fervour, the passion, the crazy, endless arguing. Come on! You know you have to be there. See you soon.