I think you can say a set of seats count! Very impressed with this, how many in a set?Neither probably count but :
1. Build a Bonfire
2. A set of seats from the West Stand at the Goldstone.
I think you can say a set of seats count! Very impressed with this, how many in a set?Neither probably count but :
1. Build a Bonfire
2. A set of seats from the West Stand at the Goldstone.
I think you can say a set of seats count! Very impressed with this, how many in a set?
I am now at about the 200 mark on shirts, they're the items I love. I have a few photos taken with players I've sponsored over the years and a variety of other bits and pieces, hats, scarves, pennants, etc but they are really just incidental bits of stuff accumulated.
my 'hola gus' t-shirt ...
left armWhere is your tattoo?
I've got a BHA Heart in a drawer somewhere
Got it in the late 70's IIRC
It's blue, with a BHA logo, and has a snap feature, where you can separate it down a central jagged cut, to have it either closed, meaning In Love, or open, meaning Heartbroken...
The concept was popular in those teen love story mags favoured by teenyboppers of the era
It's to be worn on the sleeve, and I'm not sure whether to have it open or closed atm
I only have a shirt and scarf at present.
With a birthday coming up I need inspiration for the family to buy me some more Albion merchandise.What do you own and love?
Most of mine are shown at these 2 links if you're really interested
Storage and cataloging is still ongoing