I know someone called Jeremiah, Albert (which was also my dad's middle name) and Herbert (in fact, I know two people called Herbert). And one of my mates has named his baby Nathaniel.
So, perhaps the names aren't dying out that quickly.
Not a name that is commonly found, but noteworthy for all that. A search of http://freebmd.rootsweb.com/cgi/search.pl reveals that there were just FIVE Victorians named after the famed biblical wanker.
Births Mar 1839
Onan Kershaw Bradford
Births Mar 1842
Onan Wickham East Grinstead
Births Dec 1856
Onan Browne Depwade
Births Jun 1865
Onan Marlow Bicester
Births Dec 1889
Onan William Jones Stourbridge
I once wrote to John Peel's Home Truths programme about this. He read my message out.