smillie's garden
Am I evil?
- Aug 11, 2003
- 2,810
Happy Thanksgiving to all US based Seagulls (and everybody else of course)!
It's always an odd holiday as the mythology glosses over genocide, and this year is odder than ever as the polarities are: a lonely feast, or be a part of a super-spreader event.
Anyway, I'm thankful that I live with a couple of lovely people, and that we have our health today. Off to quaff and get stuffed.
It's always an odd holiday as the mythology glosses over genocide, and this year is odder than ever as the polarities are: a lonely feast, or be a part of a super-spreader event.
Anyway, I'm thankful that I live with a couple of lovely people, and that we have our health today. Off to quaff and get stuffed.