Well-known member
Some pretty sensible advice has been heading your way. Certainly rent first & don;t sell up in the UK. After 6 months you need to change your car onto Spanish plates so you need to be registered on the padron. You need a Spanish bank account and NIE number [Spanish tax number] without it you will have problems. Don't live on the coast or else the NSC users will assume you are spending all day eating full breakfasts, drinking John Smiths and walking around stripped to the waist flashing your tattos. Inland Spain is one of the most beautiful countries [second most mountainous] in Europe. Health care, unless you take a job with an official contract you will not be in the system. If you become self employed you need to pay autonomo each month to be eligible for state health care. If none of these apply you may have to prove to the authorities you have enough income and private health care to live in the country. They do not take kindly to people producing an EHIC card time after time at the health centres! However if you are in the system, as we are, it is so efficient.