About once a year a moan appears about the state of the A27. Here we go again.
Have just driven each way on the By pass, what a disgrace. The whole length, including slip roads which appear worse, is filled with rubbish of all types of materials.
Has the city now given up on having any decent standards. You can add to the above the graffiti, broken pavements, potholes etc.
Whatever visitors coming to Brighton or passing through Sussex think of all this s***, I don't know.
Added to that, when we arrive at the Amex all we can see is more poo at the moment..
Have just driven each way on the By pass, what a disgrace. The whole length, including slip roads which appear worse, is filled with rubbish of all types of materials.
Has the city now given up on having any decent standards. You can add to the above the graffiti, broken pavements, potholes etc.
Whatever visitors coming to Brighton or passing through Sussex think of all this s***, I don't know.
Added to that, when we arrive at the Amex all we can see is more poo at the moment..