I've said it on here before and I'll say it again. If we lets these crooks get away with Brexit they can get away with anything...
Hopefully the courts may take umbrage to the tories trying to hancuff the legal system.
But I agree with you and as I have said before, despite failing to be persuaded in any way by the performance of Corbyn, I regard even a Corbyn government (which won't happen, but anyway) preferable to this evil shower. What next? He dodges Andrew Neil, and he wants to change the law so his madcap and dangerous initiatives cannot be stopped. We have never had a PM so dangerous. He's a sort of educated and more calculating version of Trump.
I see Mogg's demented Brexit Euro MP sister, has now jumped off Nigel's lap and into Tent Boris.
One thing I don't quite understand is what is Farage playing at? He has been saying that Boris' Brexit plans won't work. That's a bit like Paper Lace (The Night Chicago died) accusing Black Lace (Agadoo) of being a rubbish pop group.