Yes, it's on our dining room wall as well.The official name of the colour of Spurs kit is ‘taupe haze’ would you believe
Benjamin looking a little pale here. Did his dermatologist have a word?
Chewing wrapper is my all time favourite shirt thank you very muchThis season:
Spurs: the milky tea / hommous effort, you can’t be title challengers with that tribute to a an H Block dirty protest
Notts Forest: purple/blue peach stripes monstrosity, they deserve to go down frankly
1991: us, deserved to lose the PO final frankly with the infamous strawberry chewit wrapper. Moment we stepped out in that, I just knew we’d lost.
WTAF is that pattern meant to be?
Thrown-up pizzaWTAF is that pattern meant to be?
That’s what happens when you give kids some crayons
comes in a carrier bag? When it clearly says boxt
A cheese dreamWTAF is that pattern meant to be?
Taupe was one of those weird colours that my mum used to order things in from the old Freeman's catalogues. 2s/6d a week for 60 weeks. Ecru was another one.The official name of the colour of Spurs kit is ‘taupe haze’ would you believe
This. Deservedly relegated. Yellow shirt with a blue collar and they’d have stayed up. FACT!That Southampton swimming pool kit from last season. They deserved their fate wearing that.
Yes, yes I would.The official name of the colour of Spurs kit is ‘Dysentery’ would you believe