I'd be Donkeyman, a poor man's Centaur. The parts of a weak-backed hoss i inherited would not be the vast, wrinkled wabbadang dangling from my underbelly that i could've used as a weapon on surprisingly-attractive-for-Meade's-level-women's pleasure-parts, but the too-big-for-my-human-mouth walnut-cracking gnashers, two clumping clacking hooves instead of hands that end my more subtle groping days and ability to fill in a crossword comfortably, and the seven-inch ears that toss the hat from my head each time i feel in the slightest alerted to danger or peril or catch a close-up whiff of certain glues that could have a slice of deceased uncle Bernard's ass-fists in them. I help people move home a lot with my innate and misguided sturdiness and on one special occasion stamped a crab to death that looked a little aggressive toward a napping on the beach unanimalised lady i had an interest in and was following.
Batman is the ultimate hero but he hasnt got any super powers. Superman is a wanker his disguise is a pair of glasses and he can do anything therefore what is the point
Batman is the ultimate hero but he hasnt got any super powers. Superman is a wanker his disguise is a pair of glasses and he can do anything therefore what is the point