"people he heard things off" eh? Well what do you think perpetuates and exacerbates and catalyzes all the rumours (many DIFFERENT rumours all coming from 'reliable sources')? Of COURSE he heard from 'people'.
I've heard things "from people", but then other "people" completely refute what those other "people" said because each little story has differed, and come from a range of sources.
I wouldn't be surprised if DK and DW have different versions and views of events, but even within men's minds there exists the wonderful creative ability to whip up a new viewpoint, a new version of the hows and whyfores.
Now you can say you heard from another "people", and TLO can keep maintaining that his "people" are closer to 'the know' and more believable than all other "people".
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm not claiming to know 'the truth' and despite some of his postings yesterday I don't think TLO is either. Fact is he's heard some information/opinions, it's interesting and he's more than happy to share it with people in private. The only reason he hasn't put it up here is because the people involved have asked him not to.
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