A Jamaican military spokesman says the U.S.-based plane went down about 14 miles northeast of Port Antonio:
Some reports are saying the plane came down in the water. If it did, what are the chances that the pilot came around and managed to make a controlled crash-landing?
Some reports are saying the plane came down in the water. If it did, what are the chances that the pilot came around and managed to make a controlled crash-landing?
ATC is gut wrenching to listen to.
N900KN check in at FL280.
N900KN: "November..."
ATC: "go ahead"
N900KN: "N900KN We need to decent to about FL180, ah, we have an indication that is not correct in the plane"
ATC: "stand-by"
ATC: "N900KN descend and maintain FL250"
N900KN: "250 - we need to get lower"
ATC: "working on it"
ATC: "tracks are blocked 15 northbound at 240"
ATC: "if you need to get down turn 30 left, zero kilo november, if you need to get down - 30 left"
N900KN: "30 left 900KN"
Unknown: "009 Kilo November"
ATC: "200" (note, it appears Live ATC was recording stepped on by another approach controler)
N900KN(?): "200 Nine Nine Zero Kilo November"
ATC: "November zero kilo november you are cleared direct TAYLOR"
ATC: "November zero kilo november cleared direct TAYLOR"
N900KN: "direct TAYLOR kilo november" (sounds clearer, more alert this time)
ATC: "and N900KN copy you got the descent clearance to 200"
Unknown / muffled sound responded - sounded a little like "two zero zero" - could have been somebody speaking with a mask (speculation)
Unknown "Kilo November...900 Kilo November...."
This was followed by repeated calls to N900KN to descend to FL200, and repeated attempts to make any contact with N900KN. N900KN maintained FL250, and did not descend.
Some reports are saying the plane came down in the water. If it did, what are the chances that the pilot came around and managed to make a controlled crash-landing?
If they were at 25k, death in an unpressurised cabin would occur within 3 to 5 minutes, not to mention that the temp would be about -25 C
Thats really sad, you can hear the guy get more groggy and become less coherent. I would guess he is the one pressing transmit a couple times with no message as well.Recording from liveatc.net of pilot requesting descent. First contact is made at 2min 25 sec. (November-900-Kilo-November)