Sick Note
If you're an FA Licensed coach, have you gone through all the session plans on the Licensed Coach website? There isn't an extensive list, but there are a few there to develop and work at and they are listed through age groups. Anyone in your club who has done the FA Level 2, or the Youth Modules (as they previously were) should also have some good ideas to show you from their manuals. I often find trawling through YouTube has some good ideas too. U9s to U10s is quite a big transition, going from little kids running around 6, 7, 8 years old, to starting to get to grips with the game, 7v7. The jump to U11s and 9v9 with offsides and no retreating to halfway then seems a giant step.
I am a licenced coach and have tried to look on the website but find it quite difficult to find anything - I have done one of the youth modules and have quite a few ideas from the folder I got with that - which is what I have been using, but am running out of ideas now.
I hadn’t thought of YouTube though, which is obvious! So will have a trawl through that and see what I can find... thanks!
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