The Large One said:What, the fact that your summing up of bullying and racism within society is based on a reactionary knee-jerk, 'shock-horror' headline-grabbing, tittle-tattle piece of nonsense that the chattering classes have never *gasp* had the temerity to deal with before?
Getting upset and calling Jade Goody a racist pig is neither here nor there, and misses the point. This sort of nonsense happens ALL the time - racism and bullying is pretty much everywhere. Whoopy-f***ing-doo that it happens to be on Big Brother (which is ultimately what this is really about) featuring a repugnant woman that the rest of us should not really have to spend our waking hours having to give a moment's notice to.
However, if Jade's behaviour is what it takes to work out what we can do about this problem in future, then I'm glad it's finally in the open, in front of the eyes of the ignorant and apathetic. Thankfully, in this instance, no-one is getting physically hurt. Meanwhile, the dull, lobotomised couch potatoes finally have something worthwhile getting upset for. If only we can get something positive out of it.
So what as to whether Jade Goody is 'finished' (did she ever 'start' on anything worthwhile?). To say she is finished is irrelevant, though makes it sound like you are lapping up a certain amount of schadenfreude. Meanwhile, the central issue is that, actually, this is society's problem, Jade is merely sympotmatic of it.
British Bulldog said:You've got an obsession with the word "paki" hav'nt you!
Chesney Christ said:Yes, and I explained to you why it was "derogatory as opposed to other similar names", but you continued to argue the point.
Its fair enough to ask the question but I explained the difference to you around 12 or 13 times (in simple enough language for you to be able to understand) and yet you still failed to appreciate the difference in your tiny little racist mind why calling someone a "Paki" is different to calling someone a "Brit".
That is the reason which is why I regard you as a racist C*NT.
Man of Harveys said:As I keep saying, expect more "moronic Nazi/BNP member meets Muslim/Asian/homosexual/person with dark skin - with hilarious consequences" japery from Channel 4 in the future.
Questions said:yes you do keep saying that don`t you.
For f*** sake, Gubber. One day, you will read my posts before commenting on them. It would be nice to think that might happen one day. I love being misrepresented by you so often - is it deliberate?Uncle Spielberg said:Alan get off your high horse old boy, if I said the Moon comes out and night and the Sun comes out at day you would disagree, its boring now frankly, whatever I say is wrong in your book and you just cannot wait to pull me up on it in EVERY thread
The Large One said:You were right to bring up the subject, and I believe you are right to be aggravated by the bullshit that Goody is coming up with (as most of your posts on this thread do tend to remind us).
The Large One said:Goody herself, rather than the more important wider issues - i.e. racism and bullying - and how we as a society ought to tackle them.
The majority of us don't give a shit about her - never have, never will.
That was my point.
British Bulldog said:I could'nt give a toss about the whole programme and the twats that appear in it, Their just a bunch of nothing celebrities who try and act in front of the cameras to make money out of it.
Mr deez said:Very true. However, now this issue has caught the wider eye, surely you are embarrassed at the way the UK is being portrayed, through our 'representatives' Jade, Danielle, Jo, and Jake?.
I f***ing am, and I HATE them for it.