So it begins, the NON STOP banging on about the big weekend for the next 3 months. Personally I got so annoyed with it last year I ended up switching to radio 2, but i'm curious as to how it went for those trying to get tickets today. My wife and her sister registered and today was the day they could apply for tickets. Unsurprisingly the ticket site went into melt down and my wife had to start work at 12pm so it was left to muggins here to hit f5 repeatedly for an hour, they were after tickets for the Sunday (Rhianna) After twice getting close and being one page away from entering the card details before getting being bumped back to the 'heavy traffic please refresh' page i finally managed to bag them the tickets they wanted (just as well as by this time the Saturday (Jay Z) had sold out) Anyone else have a go, were you successful? I understand there were a lot of angry people when they sold out