sydney tinky ****in winky Jul 11, 2003 18,106 town full of eejits Feb 16, 2021 Thread starter #2 thought not .
M macky Well-known member Dec 28, 2004 1,653 Feb 16, 2021 #5 Yes I read Your right it's very strange in places
Bakero Languidly clinical Oct 9, 2010 15,349 Almería Feb 16, 2021 #6 I've stumbled upon Quora threads before but never found anything particularly odd. I guess it depends what you're searching for.
I've stumbled upon Quora threads before but never found anything particularly odd. I guess it depends what you're searching for.
G Gwylan Well-known member Jul 5, 2003 32,039 Uffern Feb 16, 2021 #7 I do think that many of the weirdest threads are people just trolling, There are some very interesting discussions on there, even if the only question I ever asked was never answered
I do think that many of the weirdest threads are people just trolling, There are some very interesting discussions on there, even if the only question I ever asked was never answered
BBassic I changed this. Jul 28, 2011 13,519 Feb 16, 2021 #8 It's cropped up in some search results for me and always seemed pretty sensible. Would imagine it's like most places on the internet - generally fine with an element of chaos lurking just out of sight.
It's cropped up in some search results for me and always seemed pretty sensible. Would imagine it's like most places on the internet - generally fine with an element of chaos lurking just out of sight.
Dr. No Well-known member Nov 28, 2016 596 Feb 16, 2021 #9 sydney said: well..? Click to expand... No.