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My PS3 that the grandchildren all use when visiting or staying isn't working as it appears that the disc is not being read anybody have any idea of cause and solution.
Not very helpful advice for an OAP who doesn't want to have to buy something else.
How long have you had it? Is it just 1 game or all of them? Have you unplugged the console and left it to stand for about 30 mins in a well ventilated area, is it usually in a well ventialted area? What model is it?
Does it still come up with the normal screen etc to access everything?
It could just be that some dust has got into the laser lens... Or it could be that the game disk is scratched?
Also when u insert the disk does the drive spin- ie can you hear a whirring noise?
it still comes up with the normal screen. ben said it could be something to do with the laser too
This might sound silly but, have you tried pressing the eject button a few times?? I say this cos I was doing a removal from a house a few months ago and they had a 'throw away pile' with an 80gb PS3 sat on top, I asked if it was supposed to be their and she said yes, it just doesn't work anymore. She said I could take it so out of curiousity I did. Got him home, plugged it in and the home screen came straight on, pressed eject and The Simpsons popped out, pressed it again and Alvin & The Chipmunks popped out, pressed it again and Barney the dinosoar popped out! The kids had kept loading it and never ejecting so it's worth a shot!