What is it you think the 'protesters' have a point about?You seem to be confusing me with someone who supports attacking a mosque …you seem to be confusing me with someone who supported that demonstration at Southport ..the attacking of police ..the destruction and criminality with someone who questioned the automatic labelling (by people on here and MSM ) of people who attended the Downing Street protest as far right knuckle draggers…the labelling of anyone who voted Reform as not having the ability to think (quite a few million then) ….so I won’t be pausing for reflection I’ve no need in fact it’s quite patronising if with the best possible motives
I don’t expect many if anyone to agree ..but felt a forthright reply was necessary particularly as an assumption has been made re Southport
Ps GB Try rereading my post that u referred to it originated from a comment about the ‘far right’ ..labelling etc and had nothing to do with motives of attending Downing Street …if I felt your question was sincere I might have offered an opinion
And do you think it justifies a protest?
I accept you don't support the way the 'protest' was carried out.