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[Albion] People Moaning


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2012
I wouldn't normally start a thread like this, but last night was the worst I had ever experienced.

Down in the south west corner, there was a man who, for the whole game, was moaning about how we were playing.

"Not quick enough passing."
"Playing poorly." ect.

Even when we were 2 nil up, he said we need to make sure we play sensibly while also needing a 3rd goal and to "stop messing around at the back."

The line that did it for me though and meant I had to say something, was in the 90th minute, when the 3 minutes came up, he said "Come on ref, put us out of our misery." I know it wasn't the most exhilarating game of football, but we were comfortably about to win our first ever game in Europe, having all the chances.

"Well I want to be entertained" he replied with. "I've been here since 1969, and enjoyed the Athens game more."

My mind boggles. Anyone else has to suffer the awful, turgid football with people like this?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
Some people are never happy and have short memories - usually the ones who are more vocal - same as NSC!

hart's shirt

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Kitbag in Dubai
Down in the south west corner, there was a man who, for the whole game, was moaning about how we were playing.

"I've been here since 1969, and enjoyed the Athens game more."
He's probably still upset that he had to wait 42 years for the stadium to open.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
Thought we stayed in 3rd gear deliberately and saw out the win well. Game management was spot on so not sure you can compare it to what we will play like on Sunday. Can only play who’s in front of you - Marseille and Athens couldn’t beat Ajax remember…


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
There's a few that genuinely don't get it.

And then there are the newbies and one-off gamers that don't know better.
If they also happen to be the boorish type, who are convinced they are the expert in all things ( seemingly a lot are) , then the moans increase.

Part of being more successful unfortunately.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2012
I don't mind a moan if its deserved, or if a player keeps making mistakes, but last night wasn't the game for it.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
Thought we stayed in 3rd gear deliberately and saw out the win well. Game management was spot on so not sure you can compare it to what we will play like on Sunday. Can only play who’s in front of you - Marseille and Athens couldn’t beat Ajax remember…
Yeah agree with that.
Game management much better, realising Ajax had nothing to offer, unless we gave it to them, we reigned ourselves in.

Possibly RDZ, recognizing a bit of pragmatism is needed?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
Even weirder was the bloke next to me (not the usual guy) saying to his mate on 30 minutes: "I thought Ajax were supposed to be in freefall. They look very solid to me. They’re controlling this game. We’ve no idea how to play against them."
Now that is as mental as the OP’s comments he heard…!


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
Even weirder was the bloke next to me (not the usual guy) saying to his mate on 30 minutes: "I thought Ajax were supposed to be in freefall. They look very solid to me. They’re controlling this game. We’ve no idea how to play against them."


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Astley, Manchester
We did keep it very controlled last night which was sensible as all we needed to do was stay patient and not make silly mistakes.
Plus we preserved energy by keeping the ball well which should help for Sunday. Almost like a training session.
Seemed a very professional performance although not as exciting as other games I’ve seen recently.
Just think how much the Marseille away game took out of us.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
We did keep it very controlled last night which was sensible as all we needed to do was stay patient and not make silly mistakes.
Plus we preserved energy by keeping the ball well which should help for Sunday. Almost like a training session.
Seemed a very professional performance although not as exciting as other games I’ve seen recently.
Just think how much the Marseille away game took out of us.
Yes it was refreshingly sensible, which is something RDZ needs to instil into the players. We all love DeZerbi Ball but maybe not every minute of every game. That was our first clean sheet in something like 16 games, which is another big positive from last night.

Dave the hatosaurus

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2021
I wouldn't normally start a thread like this, but last night was the worst I had ever experienced.

Down in the south west corner, there was a man who, for the whole game, was moaning about how we were playing.

"Not quick enough passing."
"Playing poorly." ect.

Even when we were 2 nil up, he said we need to make sure we play sensibly while also needing a 3rd goal and to "stop messing around at the back."

The line that did it for me though and meant I had to say something, was in the 90th minute, when the 3 minutes came up, he said "Come on ref, put us out of our misery." I know it wasn't the most exhilarating game of football, but we were comfortably about to win our first ever game in Europe, having all the chances.

"Well I want to be entertained" he replied with. "I've been here since 1969, and enjoyed the Athens game more."

My mind boggles. Anyone else has to suffer the awful, turgid football with people like this?
I can scarcely believe the "i want to be entertained" line. What could possibly be more entertaining than seeing the Albion win for the first ever time in a competitive european match and it being against a famous team like Ajax? Also the "messing around at the back" was great especially when the Ajax fans were jeering their own team for either just letting us do it or even better when they tried to stop us and were just played round and through. That was solid gold entertainment right there. Let's face it though even if we won 12-1 someone on here would post how bad we were to let that goal in when we should have had a clean sheet! :D


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2012
I can scarcely believe the "i want to be entertained" line. What could possibly be more entertaining than seeing the Albion win for the first ever time in a competitive european match and it being against a famous team like Ajax? Also the "messing around at the back" was great especially when the Ajax fans were jeering their own team for either just letting us do it or even better when they tried to stop us and were just played round and through. That was solid gold entertainment right there. Let's face it though even if we won 12-1 someone on here would post how bad we were to let that goal in when we should have had a clean sheet! :D
I promise you about the entertained line.

That's what prompted me to put in on here.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
I wouldn't normally start a thread like this, but last night was the worst I had ever experienced.

Down in the south west corner, there was a man who, for the whole game, was moaning about how we were playing.

"Not quick enough passing."
"Playing poorly." ect.

Even when we were 2 nil up, he said we need to make sure we play sensibly while also needing a 3rd goal and to "stop messing around at the back."

The line that did it for me though and meant I had to say something, was in the 90th minute, when the 3 minutes came up, he said "Come on ref, put us out of our misery." I know it wasn't the most exhilarating game of football, but we were comfortably about to win our first ever game in Europe, having all the chances.

"Well I want to be entertained" he replied with. "I've been here since 1969, and enjoyed the Athens game more."

My mind boggles. Anyone else has to suffer the awful, turgid football with people like this?
People that moan about people moaning FFS at least do it correctly

It's f***ing etc not ECT. FFS FFS

Some people eh?

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