Excellent post, if you include toasters and kettles as potential fire starting appliances the number of opportunities increases massively. Of course these appliances are rarely used unattended at night but they reduce the frequency or odds of a home fire even further.I can recommend smoke alarms upstairs and down just in case too......pretty much mitigates the relative (and miniscule) risk differential between a daytime and night time fire
I would - let's say there are 25 million homes, each with a conservative 2 uses of white goods per day - that's 50 million individual uses of those white goods, spread equally across the 45 areas makes the odds of one catching fire just over 1.1 million to 1. Further mitigate that if your house has things like an up to date consumer board, alarms and the white goods are in good repair and being used properly then those odds lengthen further.