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the game!
What on earth is everyone on about?
What on earth is everyone on about?
What on earth is everyone on about?
Welcome to The Game.
I'm out of the game now since my last client, Bernard, went in for his operation - something to do with his bladder, he told me - and never came out again. Thick, bristling moustache, a mole way hairier than its scent-led wriggling namesake on the area just beneath his right eye the longest follicle of which had to be trimmed to prevent iris tickling, and an extraordinarily small pecker. That was Bernard. I quietly visited his grave a few weeks later, leaving the crumbs of his favourite post-coital biscuit, a Bourbon, and a single tear both for his disappearance and for my last time in the service, concentrating now on on the deer-oriented underground butchers I've opened in south London - a crate of moose eggs finally afforded thanks to Bernard's kindly will soon to arrive.