God knows what my body fat % is but I went for 20%. Using that the calculator reckons 155 pounds or just over 11 stone. I'm 6ft tall and have never been under 12 stone in my adult life. As I'm currently 13 stone then 12 splits the difference also so that's something to aim for. I'll have to stop devouring the entire contents of the fridge after every run though. I may have given up booze but with 29 miles in the tank since Sunday I can't stop ruddy eating.
Where does a 23.27 5k by a 13 stone bloke with a newly found cheese addiction sit in the NSC weight grading?
Hard to break this to you but your best bet is to eat cheese for 2 weeks, put on a stone and take this weeks 5k time. You may then scrape into third behind Greg Bobkin and Dazzer6666.
Seriously now is a time to eat as you switch from not drinking and upping the mileage. Work out the required food intake in a few weeks.