Yeah, I was consistently waking up at 5am every day because of a certain girl who would invade my dreams. I couldn't sleep, so I got out for an early run. I lived very close to the Promenade so it was the obvious choice really. I quickly got into it and it escalated from there, I started running every lunch time at work and for a while I was running a few miles every morning then a few more at lunch. One day I was up and out before 4am, I ran 14 miles and then went to work. Another day I'd done a 30odd mile cycle before an 8am start. For a couple of weeks I was working 6am-6pm every day. That in itself did more harm in a way, the girl was someone I work with. Well, her and the girl from Swindon combined really. It was a negative which turned into a positive and now almost a reliance. Work has been stressful recently which ironically is having the opposite effect, I can't wake up in the morning at all so I'm consistently late but can't wait to leave and I've even found myself doing the classic thing of breaking up the day with extended toilet breaks. I took Friday off partly because of the Wednesday game, partly because I was playing a football tournament in Leicester on saturday and partly because I had to get away. I nearly called in sick monday, I was fine and would have run at least a half marathon distance but I got my head down and soldiered on. I've been in a bad place mentally for a few weeks, not the worst place, but pretty bad so I shall be running a lot more in the coming weeks but with something genuine to look forward to, San Sebastian Marathon in November is being combined with a weekend in the Basque part of Spain with a couple of friends.
Ironically, I tend to find that when I'm in a negative place I tend to post more on here and I'm far more inflammatory than I mean to be. Inevitably there's a consequence and it's a negative cycle. It's time for me to shut up a bit, take a rest from getting involved and try to disengage the hyperactivity in my mind.
Lastly, you held the Guinness well but your mate was definitely showing the signs!
Good luck Ninj.,