*Puts on best Howard Finkel voice*
Ladies & Gentlemen. Here are the names of the participants who were drawn numbers one to 30, for this years NSC Royal Rumble match sweepstake!
#1 and getting CM Punk, Gullflyinghigh
#2 Cullip4
#3 Brighton4Cambridge3
#4 7:18
#5 KJP
#6 TayBHA
#7 Ernest
#8 Guy Fawkes
#9 RM-Taylor
#10 Trigger
#11 bobba5
#12 martin tyler
#13 Trojan Scald
#14 Dowling93
#15 Eaglesdestroyseagulls
#16 Vatican Citys No.2 Keeper
#17 Monkster
#18 greyseagull
#19 Albion Edd
#20 atfc village
#21 Frutos
#22 Tyrone Biggums
#23 nelson73
#24 emphyrian
#25 Greg Bobkin
#26 pacman
#27 Coach_Carter_92
#28 Lenny Rider
#29 SamPeters18
#30 fataddick
Best of luck to everyone! If you're at the Druids and want to thank/berate me for where you've been drawn I'll be wearing my Y2J t-shirt there tomorrow.
I Will most likely have forgotten my number by then haha But we will see