After lap of honour, walked with the bro up to the Falmer Farm Shop and waited opposite for Mrs Shingle to pick us up on her way home from Saltdean. Noticed Oliver Norwood on the other side of road waiting for a lift in the opposite direction. Over the next 15 minutes a few families with kids sidle up and ask for selfies and handshakes, he poses for selfies, shakes a few hands and from out of nowhere there's a bloke with his kid on the other side of the road screaming..... STOP SULKING, MAN THE F*CK UP, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A LITTLE GIRL, DYA WANNA PLAY FOR THE ALBION OR NOT. ALL YOU'RE DOING IS STANDING THERE FIDDLING ABOUT WITH YOUR PHONE, MAN THE F*CK UP and so on and so on. Christ knows where it all came from, only stopped when Ollie got picked up a couple of minutes later