I’m not sure anyone believes that Farage is a course? A course in what? Hate? Grifting? Self harm to his own nation? How to trick the least intelligent people in the country that migrants are the root of all their problems, not 14 years of Tory government? I suppose the ashtray scented, frog mouthed racist would be guaranteed to have you as his student though?Ah a left-wing site using a dodgy metric online poll that can be easily ratioed.
If a Rasmussen poll says so then I'll believe it but that's not what I am hearing from voters in the red wall in reports.
I am also aware of the "Lets blame Farage" Campaign on the left. he is a symptom not a course.
Anyway, on another matter, I’ve come to the conclusion you are the Crawley One. Can you confirm?