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Nicky Forster - new contract ASAP!!

Icy Gull

Back on the rollercoaster
Jul 5, 2003
Who would sell for more then?

At the same age, Forster by some margin I'd think and that is the only way to compare them. Remember that Forster has played at a higher level for much of his career as well. If they were sold tomorrow, with Murray's injury record, I'd say Forster would sell for more too.


Old Brightonian
Nov 7, 2003
East Wales
Give him another year, if all goes well, give him another year.


Oct 18, 2008
He deserves another year as a player and i think he would do great things as a coach after that, the sort of person with the sort of attitude you want to have involved with the club at some level

'Club captain'? Let's be honest, doesn't really mean much does it?
I remember being in conversation with a former club captain, way after midnight in the Grand Hotel, Brighton, when he became aware of some rather unimpressive behaviour by a certain Leon Knight.

I think the little shit's days were numbered from then on.

The Face

H Block
Jan 24, 2007
Definitely worthy of at least another year, his fitness levels are top drawer for a 36 year old and if we can keep him fit I honestly don't see why he can't be of use to us in a playing capacity for another 3 years.

As others mentioned he's got all the credentials of a very good coach as well.

At 75k he could prove to be one of our best EVER signings imo.

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