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Muslims need to chill the f*** out


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
H block said:
you`re obviously a clever, well read chap but you do need to stop insulting people because your worthwhile and most valid points are lost amidst a sea of insults.

Good comment.
I gave up any discussion in previous threads because it descended.
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Hampden Park

Ex R.N.
Oct 7, 2003
LI, i dont know you and you dont know me. you seem very good at making judgements about how people think and you are quick to make an opinion on their beliefs too. just so you know i do not follow the bnp and i personnally dont like muslims nor what they stand for. you are rising to everyones bait that has been layed. let bygones be bygones and let people discuss freely what they feel and keep your opinions to yourself rather than insulting them because its now turned into a slagging match and a name calling exercise.

p.s. you are not a mind reader or a psychic (sp) are you?

its been a good read by the way ;)


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
London Irish said:
Ah yes, is this the same Sikh friend you talked about that has sympathy for the BNP? Mmmm, you're really "down" with the Asian community there, aren't you fella?

Instead of gutlessly hiding your Muslim-baiting opinions behind the old "some of my best friends are black" routine so beloved of every mealy-mouthed hater, why not have they guts to say what YOU actually think about Muslims?

Oh yeah, you're not a BNP supporter, are you - you just think someone like Nick Griffin presents "facts" about Islam out the disinterested goodness of his heart?

Hmm yes I do have a lot of asian friends mate. After all I do live in a very multi-racial city as you will find if you are up here tomorrow. I think it is you that dosen't understand the asian community. It is not just a black and white issue. I could also mention my asian nephews but then I am just an apologist for the BNP aren't I

As for my honest opinion about Moslems. I don't think much of their religion to be honest but I don't think a lot of the christain faith either.

As for Nick Griffin and his facts if you read further I did change it to opinions but obviously you are somewhat a bit of a red fascist.:lolol:

coventrygull said:
. I could also mention my asian nephews
Do they agree with the BNP too like your Sikh mate? :)

OK, more evasiveness from you about Nick Griffin, what do you think about his "opinions" about Muslims then? For someone who posts a lot on this topic it is remarkably difficult to get a straight answer from you about why you seem so sympathetic to his "opinions" on Muslims and why you were so overjoyed that the fascist scumbag got off the other day.

And by the way, the last person to call me "red scum" was a crowd of BNP members at a demo :wave:
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hampden park said:
LI, i dont know you and you dont know me. you seem very good at making judgements about how people think and you are quick to make an opinion on their beliefs too. just so you know i do not follow the bnp and i personnally dont like muslims nor what they stand for. you are rising to everyones bait that has been layed. let bygones be bygones and let people discuss freely what they feel and keep your opinions to yourself rather than insulting them because its now turned into a slagging match and a name calling exercise.

p.s. you are not a mind reader or a psychic (sp) are you?

its been a good read by the way ;)

Thanks for your concerns, I refer you to the answer I gave a few posts ago to H Block, which I think also covers the points you make :)

Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
Juan Albion said:

You ever heard of respect? No, I thought not. Can we all come around and laugh at you and your family then? See if you can take a little fun-poking?

No wonder there is so much friction in this world when we have stupid comments like yours.

Ah! the usual whine of the religious would-be censor. Funny how we (agnostics, atheists, rational realists) are meant to sit quietly while you lecture us on the errors of our ways but when the boots on the other foot it's lack of respect.

Tell you what, when people stop using a load of middle eastern mysticism as an excuse to inflect their morality on us we'll stop poking fun at them.

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Voroshilov said:
Ah! the usual whine of the religious would-be censor. Funny how we (agnostics, atheists, rational realists) are meant to sit quietly while you lecture us on the errors of our ways but when the boots on the other foot it's lack of respect.

Tell you what, when people stop using a load of middle eastern mysticism as an excuse to inflect their morality on us we'll stop poking fun at them.

I never said you had to keep quiet, and I don't lecture except when I see stupid comments like those I was referring to. Funny how you all like to go on and on about freedom of speech until someone says something you don't like.

And I'm not into censorship, you can say what you like, but you have to understand that there will sometimes be consequences.
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Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
Juan Albion said:
I never said you had to keep quiet, and I don't lecture except when I see stupid comments like those I was referring to. Funny how you all like to go on and on about freedom of speech until someone says something you don't like.

And I'm not into censorship, you can say what you like, but you have to understand that there will sometimes be consequences.

And what exactly did goldstone write that was stupid? Was it his support of free speech or his assertion that we should be free to laugh at religion.

So your not into censorship , but if i write something you don't like there'll be "consequences".

I tell you what I'm checking under the bed for the militant wing of the church of England tonight!

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
London Irish said:
Rubbish - who on here as argued for prior restraint laws on the press here? No one! - stop making things up and address the real issues!

No one argued that when the Sun published its lies about Hillsborough that laws needed to be passed to stop the Sun doing it again, did they?

What everyone should be calling for is for these newspaper publishers to have the common sense not to publish racist cartoons attacking religious minorities. I would also call for the publishers to sack the editors responsible for these deplorable decisions, as Piers Moron was when he published the lieing Iraq pictures.

I would also have absolutely no problem with the current consumer boycotts against these companies that fuel racist propaganda - that is freedom of choice too.

And I'm sorry DK Leon, you have lost your way badly if you think depicting Mohammed as a terrorist isn't a BIG FAT RACIST LIE.

Does this picture represent a BIG FAT RACIST LIE?


Or this one:


I don't think so, but others do.

DJ Leon said:
Does this picture represent a BIG FAT RACIST LIE?


Or this one:


I don't think so, but others do.
No, it's a satire of Christianity produced by those brought up from within a Christian culture. Not an attack on Christianity produced by a Muslim culture.

If a film like the Life of Brian was leading idiots to hate and attack Christians, we would have a problem. But that isn't the reality of what is happening. Indeed, we already have testimony from NSC's very own reverend that many Christians find the film amusing. This is no doubt entirely due to the fact that the film does not have as its intention whipping up hatred against Christians or defaming them as vicious terrorists.

Muslims, an embattled minority under fierce attack in many western countries, are not in that happy situation, alas.

It's a poor parallel, DJ Leon, I really hope you can see that.
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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Glorious Goodwood
The point is that until the poor and embattled ones can do it about themselves, they are not really going to fit in are they?

chip said:
The point is that until the poor and embattled ones can do it about themselves, they are not really going to fit in are they?

Well, Britain is a successful multicultural country and our immigrant communities "fit in" very well, thank you very much.

Even the popularist right-wing press we have, the Sun and Daily Mail, would never (outside the context of reporting the current hard news story) have published those cartoons viciously defaming an entire religion and its prophet, because the culture we have in this country of respect and sensitivity towards religious and racial minorities would never accept it, and every British newspaper editor is bright enough to know that, even those working for those rightwing rags.

That is the one comfort we can draw from this sorry mess - we are far ahead in tolerance and respect for minorities than many of the European countries whose newspapers blithely published these racist cartoons. The worst we have is an ignorant xxxx like Littlejohn, but even he would never go as far as defaming an entire religion and race. The last person who did that - Robert Kilroy-Silk, was rightly sacked from his media platforms and newspaper columns when he started mouthing racist stereotypical crap against Arabs.

As far the Muslim and minority communities being able to produce satires against themselves along the likes of Life of Brian, it does happen, see the discussion earlier in this thread about Salman Rushie and Gurpreet Kaur Bhatt.

The reality is there is a fierce debate raging within immigrant communities between backward fundamentalist forces and progressive, liberal voices. These tensions will become more and more advanced in the years to come and obviously it is our duty to support those advancing progressive and liberal values. But it has to be done by us in a sensitive manner that actually helps and not hinders the progressive Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus against their fundamentalist enemies.

These cartoons are a huge blow to these progressive voices because it has greatly strengthened the fears within immigrant communities that fundamentalists feed on. That is precisely why these cartoons are such a disaster and a great recruiting tool for Muslim fundamentalism and white power arseholes like the BNP and its stormtroopers like Oceanic (see previous post).
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Jul 13, 2005
South Wales (im not welsh !!)
London Irish said:
Well, Britain is a successful multicultural country and our immigrant communities "fit in" very well, thank you very much.

Even the popularist right-wing press we have, the Sun and Daily Mail, would never (outside the context of reporting the current hard news story) have published those cartoons viciously defaming an entire religion and its prophet, because the culture we have in this country of respect and sensitivity towards religious and racial minorities would never accept it, and every British newspaper editor is bright enough to know that, even those working for those rightwing rags.

That is the one comfort we can draw from this sorry mess - we are far ahead in tolerance and respect for minorities than many of the European countries whose newspapers blithely published these racist cartoons. The worst we have is an ignorant xxxx like Littlejohn, but even he would never go as far as defaming an entire religion and race. The last person who did that - Robert Kilroy-Silk, was rightly sacked from his media platforms and newspaper columns when he started mouthing racist stereotypical crap against Arabs.

As far the Muslim and minority communities being able to produce satires against themselves along the likes of Life of Brian, it does happen, see the discussion earlier in this thread about Salman Rushie and Gurpreet Kaur Bhatt.

The reality is there is a fierce debate raging within immigrant communities between backward fundamentalist forces and progressive, liberal voices. These tensions will become more and more advanced in the years to come and obviously it is our duty to support those advancing progressive and liberal values. But it has to be done by us in a sensitive manner that actually helps and not hinders the progressive Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus against their fundamentalist enemies.

These cartoons are a huge blow to these progressive voices because it has greatly strengthened the fears within immigrant communities that fundamentalists feed on. That is precisely why these cartoons are such a disaster and a great recruiting tool for Muslim fundamentalism and white power arseholes like the BNP and its stormtroopers like Oceanic (see previous post).

Where do you live LI ?

hitony said:
Where do you live LI ?

It wouldn't be LONDON by any rare chance ?
Just a wild guess.

Hey LI, I admire your indefatigueable passion for the thrust and parry, but I suspect that there are many who won't get your points because they are singularly focussed on 'argument with London Irish' - regardless of any actual viewpoint being tabled.

You've pointed the finger at hypocrits and read them squirm, but the ensuing slanging match is digressing.

Back on the table D'Artagnon! :rave:

BarrelofFun said:
It is irresponsible at a time when racial tension is at its highest for some time.

Riots in Paris; riots in Australia; bombs in England; Iraq falling to pieces; Iran commencing Nuclear experiments; Israel clearing out Palestinians. What is the purpose? Stir up more trouble?

Look at the backlash faced by the troops in Iraq, when the false Mirror photos were produced.

It is another case of the press stopping at nothing to sell more newspapers and get global coverage.

Very irresponsible. Very irresponsible indeed.

Ballony that! Agree the press will stop at nothing to sell papers. They pick up on the stupid over reaction by a group of society that can't see the funny side of anything, reprint the items to sell more papers and what happens - they sell more papers ! Job well done. I think the original post to chill out is "spot on".

I feel sorry for people brought up in a faith where they have no choice in the matter. At least in the West we are lucky enough to be allowed to make a conscious decision not to follow a faith or to chose another, without fear of retribution, condemnation or being arrested and banged up by the religious police.

:clap: :clap2: :clap: :clap2: :clap:

Hunting 784561

New member
Jul 8, 2003
London Irish said:
You see, if I was a big a childish dummy as you, I'd reply with OWNED. :D

But I still live in hope you might have the guts to answer the points I made about western policy towards Chechnya. You won't of course, because experience has taught me you don't have either the intellect or the discipline to present a coherent reply.

Well, Steve.

I would imagine that the West didn't want to get involved in Chechnya because there was insurrection and armed conflict involved, and it wouldnt be politically expedient to get involved with the Russians, with this going on in their own backyard or sphere of influence.

The Ukraine on the other hand is a partly European facing country, where we (the EU) have massive hopes for influence in the future, and there was no armed conflict going on at the time.

Ergo, it was safe, and expedient, for us ( the West) to get involved.

Hypocritiocal, no . Expedient, yes.

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