Fred Oliver - Legend
Well-known member
anybody got one of these? have bought one and am picking him up sat morning, any tips on keeping would be helpfull
Have you kept fish before? I had a saltwater tank for a couple of years - ended up spending more time on it than on life itself - beautiful to look at, but friggin hard work!
deffinatly not eating him now!!
yes mate we have, we actually have 5 tanks in the house at the moment and have upgraded one to a 350 l tank so he will be going in there, when you say saltwater do you mean marine fish or a brackish water tank?
Marine - I used to dive, catch take home and tank for a few weeks then return to the water
Did you ever try for a stone fish?
I prefer to look at them.
There is no known way to identify the sex of this fish and captive breeding has not been achieved.
And poisonous