How are your lad and you coping without a cricket season?
I’d secretly like not travelling on our crowded roads to away matches.
Ha ha. As I just posted on the 2021 holiday thread. It's shit.
This is definitely the best weather we've had here in April for 10 years plus. The grounds (which were sodden a couple of weeks before lockdown) are all in mint condition and the conditions could not be better for cricket .
Usually tomorrow we'd have been going somewhere like Whitby or Ilkley for a South Yorkshire match. Probably today would have been spent down the club watching the SCCC first team play (and any football / cricket that was on TV in the bar) while the kids were in the nets.
And the driving? We usually have to set off at some daft time in the morning and head North on a Sunday so it's actually good fun, with hardly anything on the roads........
At least I'm saving a load of money on petrol.