So of all the things I could choose to have a pop at this total clown, I will choose 1 for now.
The grass root members of this car crash of a government, which is rife with Islamaphobia, have, by quite some distance, voted in and supporting a man who actually said that Muslim women look like post boxes and bank robbers.
For that reason alone, as I have a total abhorrence to racism, this is politically a very very sad day for this country.
I could have mentioned at least 10 other reasons but this is the final straw.
And it's no good going on about anti semitism either, equally as bad but Corbyn is not Prime Minister.
The fact that racially, this country is going backwards after so many forward steps, is a cause of a great deal of sadness to me.
We have a racist Prime Minister, never thought I would see it, and Trump over in the US as well.
Today is a very dark day for the UK.
Don't overlook:
Boris Johnson said:the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies