poor alistair met his match today in london as fiesty nscer janbha gave him a earfull of scouse,at the sky studios thier paths crossed as jan was there for a tv show about ours and others dogs,as she waited outside the studio Alistair accomponied by 2 bodygaurds came through the door,he stopped and looked at our pooch,a dogue de bourdeux,he went over and said what a lovely dog may i pet her? Yes of course replies jan,after the heavy petting he said thankyou very much erm err ,Oh its jan,well thankyou very much jan,jan said no problem err erm ,oh im Alistar Darling,big mistake Ali,Jan took offence to this and rounded on the poor soul saying dont you call me darling matey!!!
A puzzled Ali was quickly hustled away,from the well who the bloody hells he think he is jan,after jan was told how naughty she had been she claimed still not to ever have heard of him,her and 2 million others i would imagine,honestly jan how could you not know these eyebrows.
A puzzled Ali was quickly hustled away,from the well who the bloody hells he think he is jan,after jan was told how naughty she had been she claimed still not to ever have heard of him,her and 2 million others i would imagine,honestly jan how could you not know these eyebrows.