I have a countdown clock on my computer which counts down in days hours minutes seconds (674,471 seconds to go) got it off the internet. I could email it to somebody to set up on here if it can be
It is now Saturday 22/05/2004 at 19:46:00
Event: cardiff
Scheduled For 30/05/2004 03:00 PM
7 days 19 hours 14 minutes 0 seconds or
1 weekend or
8 days or
187 hours (125 waking hours) or
11,233 minutes or
674,039 seconds
It is now Sunday 23/05/2004 at 15:13:05
Event: Kick Off at Cardiff - Come on Brighton
Scheduled For 30/05/2004 03:00 PM
6 days 23 hours 46 minutes 55 seconds or
0 weekends or
7 days or
167 hours (111 waking hours) or
10,066 minutes or
604,014 seconds
Event: Kick Off at Cardiff - Come on Brighton
Scheduled For 30/05/2004 03:00 PM
6 days 15 hours 17 minutes 49 seconds or
0 weekends or
7 days or
159 hours (106 waking hours) or
9,557 minutes or
573,468 seconds